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Apple strength

Apple strength : manga cover

After his death, Naori wakes up in an unknown world. A world where he will make strange encounters...

Cartoonist :

Helper :

Original Language :

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Action

Type : manga - Saga
(read from left to right)

6960 Comments on the pages of Apple strength

Azana Azana 15May ch4 p43 do you know when you will finish it for the non-premium members?
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch3 p31 Dayum...
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch2 p24 IT ROCKS!
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch2 p19 I'm not getting enough of that short temper xD
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch2 p15 Good followup, especially knowing how dark Snow White actually is.
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch2 p10 *pfft* Next page, rage page.
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch2 p9 It is kinda cheating making those things immortal...
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch2 p3 Toothy sluts...Must remember that.
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch1 p50 there is!
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch1 p48 The censorship is unnecesary ,we already seen the nudity in the past pages.
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch1 p46 Memories. What always drives a superhero plotline.
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch1 p43 Alice, I assume
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch1 p41 "This isn't even my ultimate form!"
Death-carioca Death-carioca 11Feb ch1 p36 I agree, it's a really good translation.
TroyB TroyB 12Jun ch1 p50 Classy :) !!!

6960 comments in other languages.

Cthulhu Cthulhu 27Aug ch4 p29 ça à l'air d'être la deuxième option :D
Cthulhu Cthulhu 27Aug ch3 p15 Kugi Panchi :D
Cthulhu Cthulhu 27Aug ch3 p12 Allez tous avec moi :D : Guts!! GATSU GATSU!! Guts GATSU!! Guts!! GATSU GATSU!! Guts GATSU!! umaimontachi yonderu ze kueba (...)
Cthulhu Cthulhu 27Aug ch2 p27 Adorable :3
Cthulhu Cthulhu 26Aug ch2 p23 Un nouveau juron est né "Tronche en 3D" :D
Cthulhu Cthulhu 26Aug ch1 p52 Et pourquoi pas Bayonetta ? :D
Cthulhu Cthulhu 26Aug ch1 p50 ça aurai été mieux sur le front :D
Cthulhu Cthulhu 26Aug ch1 p41 Arcane secrète du Hokuto shin ken "Musō Tensei" :D
Cthulhu Cthulhu 26Aug ch1 p21 NOOOOOOON! Tu m'a devancé, je voulais trop la sortir ce réplique :D
Cthulhu Cthulhu 26Aug ch1 p11 Et la lumière fut
Cthulhu Cthulhu 26Aug ch1 p5 C'est sublime, on dirait du Hokuto no Ken :)
Cthulhu Cthulhu 26Aug ch1 p4 C'est très joli
marchand2sable marchand2sable 15Aug ch5 p38 Histoire sympa, humour comme je l'aime, dessins sublime... Bref une BD comme je les aimes! J'espère que la suite viendra bientôt (...)
killster killster 9Aug ch5 p1 Sous l'océan ! Sous l'océan ! je sens que je vais adorer ^^
killster killster 9Aug ch4 p41 Une marque ? ça sent pas bon !

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