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All about the new version

Published on 2012-09-27

** Don't forget to support the project by becoming a premium member and spreading the word ! **

Here we are!

Amilova has been improved with a lot of new features and a brand new design.

Faster, bigger and better are the motto of this new version, we hope that you'll love it !

Comments, bugs, greeting on the dedicated board topic here.

Amilova's new features

We're proud to present the new version of Amilova. Our goal was to offer the best online reading experience ever. Now comics pages are 20% bigger with an higher resolution, you can browse the page with our thumbnails tool, a new way to navigate through the content.

The Premium membership has been modified also. With our new Amilova Score, we're sharing the subscription directly with the Premium Authors. We'll explain all these changes soon but the idea is to give more freedom to the illustrators to have money from their work!

Please check the pictures below to have a quick look on the new features !

Please share your opinion about this new version on the dedicated board topic here.

Premium's Authors

Thanks to the Premium subscription, the illustrators on can be paid. Every month, we'll add more illustrators to the Premium program. Here the list of the first Premium authors and comics:

  • MarinaPRIV with Graped
  • BloodyAKI with Apple Strength
  • Nynadp with Coeur d'Aigle
  • Johandark with ARKHAM roots
  • Studio Takoyaki with RUN 8
  • Blood Wolf et Stef87 with Full Moon
  • A.C.Puig with Food Attack
  • Kinkgirl et Pehesse with Imperfect
  • Marlène et Monsieur To with La vie rêvée des profs
  • Stephane Censi with Dark Eagle
  • Salagir et Gogéta Jr with Hémisphères
  • TroyB et Gogéta Jr with Amilova

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