Comics about boys love story, yaoi manga and gay graphic novels
Yaoi - Boys love by MarinaPRIV
Rank: 40, Points: 140
Updated: 4Feb Pages: 73
A relatively light-hearted one-shot story which also includes several scenes of explicit nature.
ReadYaoi - Boys love by JoelPhilArt
Rank: 195, Points: 90
Updated: 18Feb Pages: 183
LightLovers is a comics books series in which all the characters (heroes and villains) are gay.
Nick and Jay are the...
Yaoi - Boys love by Tanako
Rank: 244, Points: 79
Updated: 26Oct Pages: 19
Braylin is extremely nerdy and never dated before. out of desperation he goes online and pretends to be someone else, there he...
ReadYaoi - Boys love by nynadp
Rank: 54, Points: 129
Updated: 23Apr Pages: 35
- Yaoi Story - Damien, 16 years old, lives with his adoptive parents and a young man called Noka. One morning, as he...
Yaoi - Boys love by Keiden
Rank: 88, Points: 112
Finished comics Pages: 239
Fayi, 16 years old high school student is also Faye, a young man ! Seth, popular boy in the school, is friend with Fayi and...
ReadYaoi - Boys love by Kiriel
Rank: 246, Points: 79
Updated: 29Mar Pages: 9
It's time to start another year of high school! A lot of things are going to change in the ice-like Mildred's...
ReadYaoi - Boys love by Raikov, Len
Rank: 287, Points: 68
Updated: 19Feb Pages: 41
Delikas can't stand this life anymore. Torn between his feelings for Eagle and his need for a different life, he's on the...
ReadYaoi - Boys love by Iyoku
Rank: 288, Points: 68
Finished comics Pages: 42
When an animation's company decide to do an animated serie. All things is good to make the buzz with it !
Two celebrities will...
Yaoi - Boys love by Nasuko
Rank: 295, Points: 67
Updated: 8Feb Pages: 11
Yaoi - Boys love by Camille-D-Bunny
Rank: 309, Points: 66
Updated: 23Apr Pages: 22
Yaoi - Boys love by Momonem
Rank: 315, Points: 66
Updated: 23Jan Pages: 25
"My name is Len. I moved to this city about a month ago. I'm here for my studies. I was living in the countryside before. So...
ReadYaoi - Boys love by misscania
Rank: 373, Points: 55
Updated: 23Jul Pages: 46
Miyagi Iryu is put in charge of a big project. And even if he doesn't want to hold this huge responsibility on his back, he...
ReadYaoi - Boys love by sya
Rank: 382, Points: 52
Updated: 2Jul Pages: 1
Yaoi - Boys love by Nyappy-7
Rank: 60, Points: 128
Updated: 4May Pages: 9
Yaoi - Boys love by JoelPhilArt
Rank: 274, Points: 109
Updated: 21Feb Pages: 383
Yaoi - Boys love by tsubame0613
Rank: 420, Points: 92
Finished comics Pages: 162
Yaoi - Boys love by Mikage Studio
Rank: 852, Points: 66
Updated: 23Jan Pages: 36
Yaoi - Boys love by Mokona, Magical Marmotte
Rank: 972, Points: 47
Finished comics Pages: 36