Author : ImagineTheEnding
Team : gobes, TroyB, Nick Camus, Honkone
Translation by : gobes
Original Language: English
Releasing pace: Tuesday
Type : Comics
Genre : Fantasy - SF
You can translate this comic via our online interface.
Translating helps the artist to be more visible, and shows your interest and gratitude.
Dedicated translators will be rewarded with Golds.
Merci Nick Camus pour la traduction de cette page
TroyB 01/31/2013 09:15:04Author
He really had at it with the translating. Like most of Issue 1, if not all of Issue 1 is now in French. Pretty cool! Too bad I can't really comment him or anyone in appreciation because I can't speak the language. Only somewhat read it. Hahaha.
ImagineTheEnding 01/31/2013 18:15:01Team
Just say in your comment "Merci beaucoup, j'espère que vous continuerez d'apprécier ma BD !" and everyone will be happy ^^
TroyB 02/07/2013 13:03:32Team
Don't worry for that, and congratulations for your job, it's a really good comic.
Nick Camus 02/07/2013 11:36:38Author
Merci! Or Thank you.
ImagineTheEnding 02/07/2013 22:08:31
mathew600 06/19/2013 14:14:32