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mangafan 40

Attention c'est un Yardrats en tongue, ca veut dire qu'il est plus fort que les autres ! XD

mangafan 04/20/2013 12:13:48   
Lucy-chan 24

Elles ont un pouvoir ! '-'

Lucy-chan 04/20/2013 12:52:53   
Jack Sugar 32

Ne jamais sous-estimer la force des claquettes !

Jack Sugar 04/20/2013 14:19:45   
mangafan 40

Exactement, les claquette sont redoutables, elles claquent ! (Logique.)

mangafan 04/20/2013 14:21:28   
Jack Sugar 32

Oh mon dieu ! On vient de découvrir un truc, là !

Jack Sugar 04/20/2013 14:29:23   
mangafan 40

"Ceci est une révolution !" Non plus sérieusement ceux qui portent des claquettes pour combattre, il doivent souffrir...

mangafan 04/20/2013 14:32:56   
Jack Sugar 32

En getas ça doit être encore pire... XD

Jack Sugar 04/20/2013 14:38:10   
mangafan 40

Sûrement. Bon voici a la place de la blague du jour, l'expression du jour : "une claquette doit savoir claquer sans que son porteur se claque".

mangafan 04/20/2013 14:46:40   
Jack Sugar 32

Ca me fait penser à l'expression "un chasseur sachant chasser peut chasser sans son chien" ... je sais pas pourquoi, d'ailleurs

Jack Sugar 04/20/2013 14:50:21   
mangafan 40

C'etait voulu.

mangafan 04/20/2013 14:54:00   
mangafan 40

Celui de faire plus de dégâts ! XD

mangafan 04/20/2013 14:20:08   
Chibi Dam'z 31

oh mon dieu, vous partez dans de ces délires vous autres,

Chibi Dam'z 04/21/2013 18:52:00   
mangafan 40

T'as vu.

mangafan 04/21/2013 19:27:19   
Jack Sugar 32

Vi. ^^

Jack Sugar 04/21/2013 20:46:20   
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16 comments in other languages.
Chewys 31

Mr. Popo was made by the great DSP

Chewys 10/20/2020 01:45:03   
Cattivone 3

Can't wait to see the real fight.
Since Kiwi is almost as strong as Vegeta's first landing on earth, an earthlings should be almost same level as Goku, all together they should be victorious.
But of course, not if it's full moon.

Cattivone 10/20/2020 10:08:41   
alain57 4

don't know, vegeta is seriously injured.
Last page he said he needs to stay alive until full moon...
Not because he is dying, but without it in his current state he will be an easy pray for kiwi.

So in his ape form, he may again be as strong as kiwi.

I also want to see the android move ^^
Would be funny to see a tao pai pai beeing destroyed by kiwi or vegeta

alain57 10/20/2020 10:49:56   

Serieusly injured is an understatement.
He's literally telling himself he has to stay alive until the sun sets xD

He's on the brink of death

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 10/20/2020 10:53:00   
alain57 4

but the oozaru form is not something that heals your body.
It is just something that extends your power.
I would say without oozaru he knows that he's finished if kiwi comes back or wish to destroy the planet... or even worse, founds out that the wishing balls are true and ask cooler to come.

So he's last hope is to get a power boost high enough to fight against kiwi again, and kill him.

For me it if he was nearly dead, the oozaru form would not bring him much.
But of course i'm not the author ^^

alain57 10/23/2020 13:33:08   

Well Gohan went from being unable to move anymore to rampaging against Vegeta, to the point Vegeta had to cut his tail off.

Granted Vegeta was extremely weakend at that point, but still, so was Gohan.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 10/23/2020 14:01:31   
Demerzel 9

Kiwi is way stronger than Vegeta first landing on earth

Demerzel 10/26/2020 17:57:22   
Yienzu 5

I'm back bitches! lolol I love it!

Gogogo heroes the team needs you!!

Yienzu 10/20/2020 18:00:29   

It must be really unerving to fight Popo, always smiling.
He'll kill you and smile as you die.

This....IS MY BOOMSTICK 10/20/2020 20:05:52   
Dunified 2

Popo became buff!! But his face on second last panel is screwed! :P

Dunified 10/20/2020 20:13:30   
Rafael955 4

I'm back bitches!Lol

Rafael955 10/21/2020 02:13:40   
alain57 4

second pic : popo so cool
last line pic : popo looks like a retarded one

poor popo

alain57 10/23/2020 13:35:27   
Chewys 31

Cool Popo: DSP27
Retarded Popo: Toriyama

I guess Tori didn´t mean Popo to fight at all. In fact once Torrijos told me Mr. Popo was very difficult to draw in fighting stances.

Chewys 06/02/2021 03:04:40   
Demerzel 9

Appel à la communauté. En VO Harpe dit un truc du genre "je suis de retour, poufiasses" mais ce serait une traduction littérale d'une expression et je trouve que ça colle pas... mais je sèche un peu!

J'ai pensé à un truc du genre "papa est de retour"... mais bof...

bref je suis preneur de propositions


Demerzel 10/26/2020 14:58:06   
Chewys 31

I like "papi est de retour"


Chewys 10/26/2020 15:21:26   
Demerzel 9

lol si c'est validé par l'auteur je le met! J'en profite pour redire que si vous avez des corrections/suggestions n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer un message!


Demerzel 10/26/2020 17:49:51   

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