that was graphic
Ouroboros 08/03/2017 10:40:36wow, poor roshi, he got the most painful and graphic death so far
venuu 08/03/2017 11:44:24it seems more graphic, mby because roshi is a human and drum a evil mutant namekians/demon
venuu 08/05/2017 04:34:17ya van 2!! comiencen sus apuestas,krilin o yamcha sera el siguiente??
Translate raulsaxofon 08/03/2017
John Boredonquixote 08/03/2017 would be more correct
venuu 08/03/2017 19:49:13Holy shit!
RegiFist 05/30/2019 08:58:35Type : manga
Genre : Action
This comic is copyrighted, please do not share without the authorization of the author
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