It's over now to get tasty meat!
He can't be helped, we win a big battle and he only cares for sausage.
I'm sure he will be a good husband, he don't have a girlfriend, you know?
Although he like girls with short hair.
It... It's that so?
You know... I wasn't joking when I offered you home in our farm.
Ah, Urdin, it's that your real hair?! I never saw you without the head protection.
I like to have it on, but sometimes I have to rest the head, you don't like my hair?
N...No it's very pretty!
What kind of hair Urdin have?, that's a mistery for another day!
Guildadventure 12/10/2013 16:14:35Team
Noooooooo! I want to know!! :screaming:
Bellatrice 12/15/2013 10:25:01