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Food Attack

Food Attack : manga cover

Two bounty hunters and a young princess are going to face the extremely-dangerous twisted evil fruits and vegetables.

The life is like an orange: sometimes it has its acidic points and simultaneously it is sweet.
Am I crazy? can... you decide it.

Cartoonist :

Original Language : Español

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Action

Type : manga - Saga
(read from right to left)

eBook shop Buy, download, collect the eBook version

Ebooks Food Attack available from 0.5
Chapter 1 : Volume 1
Volume 1
Chapter 1

Format : PDF
Pages : 38
Weight : 13.1MB
Price : 1€

Chapter 2 : Volume 2
Volume 2
Chapter 2

Format : PDF
Pages : 19
Weight : 8.0MB
Price : 0.5€

Chapter 3 : Volume 3
Volume 3
Chapter 3

Format : PDF
Pages : 19
Weight : 9.8MB
Price : 0.5€

Chapter 4 : Volume 4
Volume 4
Chapter 4

Format : PDF
Pages : 19
Weight : 9.7MB
Price : 0.5€

Chapter 5 : Volume 5
Volume 5
Chapter 5

Format : PDF
Pages : 19
Weight : 9.2MB
Price : 0.5€

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3870 Comments on the pages of Food Attack

Ouroboros Ouroboros 16Jan ch11 p21 this page seems to be dead.
Ghost Nappa Ghost Nappa 20Jul ch18 p14 Is it a pumpkin? Or should I say plumpkin?
Cap. AR! Cap. AR! 16Oct ch16 p1 Joder... La portada te ha quedado increíble :!:
TroyB TroyB 30May ch13 p5 Very cool, as always :)
TroyB TroyB 22Jan ch13 p4 Wird thinking bt ok :)
TroyB TroyB 22Jan ch13 p1 Cool illustration!
TroyB TroyB 22Jan ch12 p23 Ok. Quick :)
TroyB TroyB 22Jan ch12 p20 He's better than expected :)
f3nt0 f3nt0 21Dec ch1 p36 omg their boss is a twisted human! He better has like, a fruit heart or something. XP
ELbabotas ELbabotas 17Nov ch1 p22 Ey, some words are in the wrong place, just saying.
gerardorock2u gerardorock2u 12Apr ch1 p20 This is not bad, I wasn't sure because of the name but it is pretty good. :) (:
lauramma lauramma 10Mar ch5 p10 lol, xip's attack remembers me Sanji's diable jambe xD nice fight scenes though :)
A.C.Puig A.C.Puig 12Feb ch5 p12 YEAH!!
A.C.Puig A.C.Puig 12Feb ch5 p12 Katapum-pum!!! he aqui una pagina la cual fue una pesadilla para entintarla XD. Tuvimos una gran perdida en el equipo por esta pag (...)
Michaël Michaël 29Nov ch3 p4 Ok je vois d´ou vient le feu

3870 comments in other languages.

jaimepro jaimepro 9Aug ch5 p11 es Tatsumaki Senpukyaku "Pierna de Torbellino Huracanada" aunque yo la llamo patada de tornado me suena mas acorde salu2...
Lucas15Ramos Lucas15Ramos 6Dec ch3 p13 Este juego realmente gana popularidad debido a su conveniencia y oportunidad de hacer algo de dinero decente. Por lo tanto, como s (...)
Iol Iol 26Aug ch4 p9 On dirait les anciennes figurines de gars her musclé et quand tu leur appuis sur les pecs il bougent le bras...
Iol Iol 26Aug ch4 p2 C'est quoi comme fruit ?
Iol Iol 26Aug ch3 p17 Sexy...
Iol Iol 26Aug ch3 p11 Ouah ça tete:D :D :D :D :D
Iol Iol 26Aug ch3 p7 Une plus les bottes le fond veux les même chez moi...
Iol Iol 26Aug ch3 p4 Il va vomir le dragon...:D :D
Iol Iol 26Aug ch2 p15 Oui c'est pourtant Tommy le chef?!
Iol Iol 26Aug ch2 p12 Boum!
Iol Iol 26Aug ch2 p8 Si sûrement...
Iol Iol 26Aug ch2 p5 Berenjota c'est pas un nom indien?
Iol Iol 26Aug ch1 p31 Mon esprit pervers est déçu...:(
Iol Iol 26Aug ch1 p29 Mon esprit pervers veut que la page suivante arrive tout de suite...
Iol Iol 26Aug ch1 p26 Et que le citron qu'on a tué était presse il n'avait sûrement pas le temps de lire les nouvelles...

Message board : topics about Food Attack

A.C.Puig New Topic! 19Jul All comics - Food Attack - Food Attack Ilustrations Hi everyone! (friends and others XD). I had the idea of hanging a picture of Food Attack once a month. It could be a normal or chi (...)
XplosiX New Topic! 14Oct All comics - Food Attack - Welcom to "food attack" :) ! It's kinda weard, but I like it :)
johandark New Topic! 17Sep Video of Food Attack! It's cool man ! But I was hoping for more effects and cool stuff, here is nice but it's a slideshow . Good job anyway . (Es genia (...)

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