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LainEich : manga cover

Comic que reune diversas series basadas en videojuegos online que he ido haciendo en varios años, League of legends, Lineage 2, starcraft, etc

Cartoonist :

Original Language : Español

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Fantasy - SF

Type : manga - Saga
(read from left to right)


Before reading this manga be aware that it could shock you. It contains :

  • Erotism

252 Comments on the pages of LainEich

Guildadventure Guildadventure 11Jun ch1 p16 Laracraft was the mythic crafter dwarf of the clan abyss riders, in wich i played most of my time in lineage 2
Guildadventure Guildadventure 9Jun ch1 p15 Lineage 2 again. it was so good when only dwarfs could break castle walls, then they changed it so anyone could, that was bad :/
Guildadventure Guildadventure 7Jun ch1 p14 I think it's obvious that the protagonist is evelynn, no? xD
Guildadventure Guildadventure 5Jun ch1 p13 The first joke makes reference to a famous spanish convention, in wich the attendant usually shout "bukakke!!" for no reason xD
Guildadventure Guildadventure 22May ch1 p12 Tristana and Lulu are good examples of free interpretations of the champions xD
Guildadventure Guildadventure 21May ch1 p11 The joke of orianna was originally made in spanish and it's impossible to translate, so dont think about it too much xD
Guildadventure Guildadventure 21May ch1 p10 Who fucks who it's a parody erotic comic about the sexual life of the champions in league of legends. It becomes more sexual as it (...)
Guildadventure Guildadventure 21May ch1 p9 It hapens a lot, you win a contest and your prize its an ugly hat xD. But in this case in the game i purchased the chiken hat in a (...)
Guildadventure Guildadventure 21May ch1 p8 I didn't make my bladedancer subclass until the last years of playing, but in the franz official server Ariadna was bladedancer as (...)
Guildadventure Guildadventure 21May ch1 p7 No matter the game, we will be always out of mana in the worst moment without realizing it :/
Guildadventure Guildadventure 21May ch1 p6 The worst enemy of every gamer, the lag!
Guildadventure Guildadventure 21May ch1 p5 Laineich it's a serie of strips about Lineage 2, an online videogame i played for about 7 years, and that i still like and play in (...)
Guildadventure Guildadventure 21May ch1 p4 Poor evelynn it's so nerfed that she don't know what to do anymore xD, i will use her to do the jokes about the game that comes to (...)
Guildadventure Guildadventure 21May ch1 p3 This comic is My little eve, a mini serie in wich i would make jokes about the game league of legends, under thepoint of view of m (...)
Guildadventure Guildadventure 21May ch1 p2 So, that is, a recopilation of several comics. Some of them have several years and were abandoned, others are short strips that i (...)

252 comments in other languages.

Fortsky73_YT Fortsky73_YT 14Jun ch1 p13 lo ultimo no me lo esperaba :^
Fortsky73_YT Fortsky73_YT 14Jun ch1 p1 Me parece muy interesante el comic :3
Cazadragones Cazadragones 6Dec ch1 p29 XD XD ahora que me estoy releyendo esto... XD tal vez tú inspiraste al autor de One Punch Man con ésta tira... jajajajjaa
aengis aengis 6Feb ch2 p26 esto esta abandonado? :(
Death-carioca Death-carioca 3Dec ch2 p25 Nicknames... Es tan divertido meterse con esta clase de nombres ridículos...
aengis aengis 11Nov ch2 p24 moar moar!
Cazadragones Cazadragones 1Nov ch2 p24 XD XD XD
aengis aengis 29Sep ch2 p23 sigo impaciente a ver mi aparicion estelar
Cazadragones Cazadragones 9Sep ch2 p23 XD XD XD Lol... XD XD XD
Guildadventure Guildadventure 2Sep ch2 p22 No tengo tiempo para juegos sorbevidas ya XD
aengis aengis 1Sep ch2 p22 los de van a abrir un server nuevo de interlude... por si te pica la morriña.
Death-carioca Death-carioca 29Aug ch2 p22 ¿Robocop es Chuck Norris? YES.
Guildadventure Guildadventure 19Aug ch2 p21 Creo que si salió, pero a saber, no me acuerdo ni yo XD
aengis aengis 18Aug ch2 p21 todos los enanos tienen ascendencia judia/catalana, ya lo plasmaste en una tira, pero no recuerdo si la subiste ya o no.
Cazadragones Cazadragones 14Aug ch2 p21 jajaja la gritona... XD

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