Mythes et Légendes
by Miss-M
Haruka is a girl that, in her dreams, embodies legendary creatures. This amuses her until the day she is hit by a car. Injured, she is found by Kyosuke, one of his classmates, who brings her...
Pages: 41
Updated: 20Jan
Ton manga est super bien, bravo! :p
Thais10 02/27/2014 19:17:19Vivement la suite!
Merci beaucoup
Jay. 02/28/2014 19:25:37je confirme et le mode chiot de kei kesquil est mignon
Starish130 03/05/2014 22:15:56Author
Merci haha le mode chiot je l'ai inventé grâce à un ami qui fait des yeux apeurés trop chou comme ça :P
Jay. 03/05/2014 23:05:45