After P.E. test
Yeah, I think she was mad cause she thought I didn't want to help her. She was insisting that I should give her the answers...
I didn't want to be mean! That kind of stuff scares me! What if I get caught?... Then, it got worst when I hit her, accidentally...
Dang... What a day.
Yeah, I can't wait to take that shower and go to my house.
There are showers available. Can't you make an exception for today?... I still don't get why you can't go with the rest of the people.
I don't get why You Can!
I'm just accompanying the twins but if I can, I prefer to bath with less people.
Because this is not a jail! Why does everybody have to watch me showering?
That's because you're a bunch of weirdos ashamed of your bodies.
Shut up, Anabela! Nobody asked you!
What's her problem? Why does she mess with us?!
Is that true? You shouldn't be ashamed of your bodies. You should accept you as you are, even if you have a weird one.
Umh-ba, you're our friend remember? You're supposed to be on our side.
Oh, yes sorry...
You're all pretty, by the way.
Thanks Umh-ba.
I am like the twins. Fiera is smiling ?
Bellatrice 09/22/2013 14:04:02Author
I see. Twin team 8-)
SkillDraw 09/23/2013 05:16:02Yup, she's smiling.