Mythes et Légendes
by Miss-M
Haruka is a girl that, in her dreams, embodies legendary creatures. This amuses her until the day she is hit by a car. Injured, she is found by Kyosuke, one of his classmates, who brings her...
Pages: 41
Updated: 20Jan
... Il est trop chou *.* Ça réplique est trop belle !! (scène très bien faite en tout cas ma Aly :3)
Jay. 04/19/2014 15:52:59Author
Merci beaucoup ma Juju d'amour >//////// < ♥3♥
Alyson.P 04/19/2014 20:48:40c'est meuuugnon! :3
Thais10 05/03/2014 00:20:28Author
Merci ! ^^
Alyson.P 05/03/2014 23:25:22