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oogamishiguma 1

My favorite comics in Amilova is ARKHAM !
I can't wait for Japanese translation.
Sorry my bad english(> <


oogamishiguma 11/03/2011 13:17:56   
johandark 34

oogamishiguma said:My favorite comics in Amilova is ARKHAM !
I can't wait for Japanese translation.
Sorry my bad english(&gt;&lt;


oogami shiguma, You can not imagine, how you cheered my day! A Japanese reader making the effort to read my comic books in English! ... A Japanese reader! is almost a dream for me! Many thanks!

I hope someone could translate soon my comic to japanese... (but there are a lot of text to translate.. xD).

One of three of my comics is starting to be translated into Japanese for "tze", is Dark Heroes. ^^

johandark 11/03/2011 13:29:59   
oogamishiguma 1

Thank you so much for saying.
>A Japanese reader making the effort to read my comic books in English!
Haha, yes, it's difficult for me to translate English into Japanese.
But your comics is worth it. It's very interesting!!
I have already read dark heroes.I look forward to reading it too.^^

oogamishiguma 11/04/2011 06:43:09   
johandark 34

oogamishiguma said:Thank you so much for saying.
<span class="quote">&gt;A Japanese reader making the effort to read my comic books in English! </span>
Haha, yes, it's difficult for me to translate English into Japanese.
But your comics is worth it. It's very interesting!!
I have already read dark heroes.I look forward to reading it too.^^

I would like to have your opinion... because there are people who told me that arkham in chapter 4 is very boring... and in the final of the 3 too...

Wich chapter is your favourite? and wich one is you think is the borest. ^^ Thank you very much

johandark 11/04/2011 10:20:56   
oogamishiguma 1

*Wich chapter is your favourite?*
"Everything !"is what I'd like to say.
If choose the one these chapters, I choose chapter 2.

*and wich one is you think is the borest.*
That's a difficult question.
In fact, I enjoyed all chapter.

*About chapter 4
Boring? I don't think so.
That's because I would stop reading before coming to the end (last page) if I thought the chapter was boring.
But, why the lines is not put on a bubble? (←Sorry, Description in English is difficult for me. Let me know if you can't understand my question.^^;

oogamishiguma 11/06/2011 01:55:36   
johandark 34

oogamishiguma said:*Wich chapter is your favourite?*
"Everything !"is what I'd like to say.
If choose the one these chapters, I choose chapter 2.

*and wich one is you think is the borest.*
That's a difficult question.
In fact, I enjoyed all chapter.

*About chapter 4
Boring? I don't think so.
That's because I would stop reading before coming to the end (last page) if I thought the chapter was boring.
But, why the lines is not put on a bubble? (←Sorry, Description in English is difficult for me. Let me know if you can't understand my question.^^;

That´s because my english is not perfect... I put empty ballons on my comic... After with the html text (not printed by photoshop) just amilova program can write all text there... The problem is that sometimes the text is moved around the page because Amilova change the resolution of his images improving the site...

Sorry for the inconvenience... when i´m sure that the text is right... I try to put it on image file ^^ (I hope you understand the answer).

Thank you for you honesty... is really apreciated

johandark 11/06/2011 02:20:55   
oogamishiguma 1

Okay, I understand. Thank you!
There were some lines that I couldn't read in Arkham.
But, I could read those lines by reading html sauce!!

Thank you, too.

oogamishiguma 11/06/2011 06:33:35   
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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: cover




Author :

Team : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Translation by : evajung

Original Language: Español

Releasing pace: Monday, Wednesday , Friday

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF

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