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Imperfect : comic cover

A new foxy lady's in town !
She's up for ferocious battles against vicious enemies, mysterious twists and turns leading to surprising revelations, and chocking no-nonsense sex that unwraps the plot as much as her figure.

Uh ... Hello this is Johnny ... Uh no, it Scebha alias "KinkGirl" here. I am the writer of Imperfect.

Translator : , , , and

Colorist :

Original Language : Français

Updated on : Finished

Genre : Thriller

Type : Comics
(read from left to right)


Before reading this comic be aware that it could shock you. It contains :

  • Pornography

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Ebooks Imperfect available from 1
Chapter 1 : Volume 1
Volume 1
Chapter 1

Format : PDF
Pages : 24
Weight : 9.2MB
Price : 1€

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3207 Comments on the pages of Imperfect

Prince_Rain Prince_Rain 12May ch1 p2 like u;)
Kura Kura 30Jul ch1 p2 Sexy
TroyB TroyB 4Oct ch10 p5 Next up, a rampaging mad scientist steals the two "test subjects" and makes a run for it. :D lol I want to see that :)
Jesus4U Jesus4U 3Oct ch10 p5 This is the kinda reactions that drive scientists into MAD science ! Next up, a rampaging mad scientist steals the two "test su (...)
Jesus4U Jesus4U 20Jul ch8 p13 What an angry little lady .. espcially considering she didn't invent most of the stuff. She has enough authority and brains to ge (...)
Pehesse Pehesse 20Jul ch8 p13 What an angry little lady .. espcially considering she didn't invent most of the stuff. She has enough authority and brains to ge (...)
Jesus4U Jesus4U 20Jul ch8 p13 What an angry little lady .. espcially considering she didn't invent most of the stuff.
Jesus4U Jesus4U 24Jun ch7 p17 Adventures of the Hat ! The man with the Hat ! Looming Goon Adventures ! Hatten är din ! :D
Pehesse Pehesse 17Jun ch7 p17 Aye .. and the hat ... the hat also makes him look more menacing ! ... at least he thinks so. We'll make a spin off : "the a (...)
Jesus4U Jesus4U 17Jun ch7 p17 Aye .. and the hat ... the hat also makes him look more menacing ! ... at least he thinks so.
Pehesse Pehesse 14Jun ch7 p17 Well, don't feel sorry for him .. he gets to loom over people. :) So THAT's what those glasses/goggles are for :-D
Jesus4U Jesus4U 14Jun ch7 p17 Well, don't feel sorry for him .. he gets to loom over people. :)
Pehesse Pehesse 14Jun ch7 p17 Pick up goon has no pick up lines. :D Poor guy, he's always the (sorry) punchline of the jokes :-)
Jesus4U Jesus4U 14Jun ch7 p17 Pick up goon has no pick up lines. :D
Pehesse Pehesse 14Jun ch7 p15 There's probably only a very select few people can adapt to this process of his (she's one of them), or he'd be the first one to u (...)

3207 comments in other languages.

GohanPatroller GohanPatroller 27Aug ch1 p1 Ulala :!:
Chajiro Chajiro 20Dec ch1 p9 La traducción tendría que ser " Señores, es suya"
mic_k974 mic_k974 22Apr ch3 p1 ;) franchement c'est cool
Rambam Rambam 7Nov ch1 p21 Lo que no entiendo a día de hoy es porque también le hicieron cirugía en los pies XD
luisleon luisleon 7Nov ch1 p21 la otra nariz no estaba tan mal e,O
luisleon luisleon 7Nov ch1 p11 lol q nariz
luisleon luisleon 7Nov ch1 p5 interesante cerradura e_e!!
Jude Simon Gogry Jude Simon Gogry 3Jun ch1 p1 tro coool :D
Jude Simon Gogry Jude Simon Gogry 3Jun ch1 p1 tro coool
XxHaexX XxHaexX 22May ch1 p7 Belle tenu moulante ! ★.★
XxHaexX XxHaexX 22May ch1 p5 Ah ouai génial la serrure ahahah ¦)
XxHaexX XxHaexX 22May ch1 p1 sa a l'air cool tout ça O.O
Jhony_Cash Jhony_Cash 15May ch1 p11 Normal que iva con la cara tapada, con semejante nariz xD
Rambam Rambam 27Mar ch9 p23 Lamentablemente este Cómic entra dentro del colectivo Amilova y por eso los capítulos 7 y 8 sólo lo pueden ver usuarios Premium. S (...)
yasmin-lorena yasmin-lorena 24Mar ch9 p23 megustaria quela paguina medejara ver el comics colpleto estamuy bueno

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