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Ryak-Lo : manga cover

the Ryak-Lo are thought to be a mysterious long dead god-like race. But now, a young girl known as Ryna somehow has this power and is hunted relentlessly because of it.

Ryak-Lo is my big main project, planned for a good long run of a few years. 4 years into it and only a fraction of the story to come
hope you enjoy the reading the story as much as i have enjoyed making it.

now over 50 chapters in over 4 years, and the art has improved steadily throughout

Cartoonist :

Original Language : English

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Action

Type : manga - Saga
(read from left to right)

651 Comments on the pages of Ryak-Lo

Chewys Chewys 9Jun ch79 p7 Last month i became a Patreon of Taresh... in Patreon he uploaded the next page to this one (which was really nice to see), but no (...)
Dinaila Dinaila 10Jan ch1 p3 Will it also be translated into Italian?
Chewys Chewys 24Sep ch79 p7 No...:(
el oculto el oculto 18Nov ch79 p7 Anyone known anything about him?
AceAssassain AceAssassain 9Jul ch79 p7 Same here man but Tbh he's probably traveling with his family for summer vacation time so...
Chewys Chewys 5Jul ch79 p7 I just hope he is fine... i'm starting to worry about him
AceAssassain AceAssassain 4Jul ch79 p7 Well Chewys, Taresh had a streak going with uploading the pages but its gone
brumbart brumbart 26May ch77 p15 I love a bit queer representation in awesome webcomics ^^
AceAssassain AceAssassain 14May ch79 p7 That show would be very funny with all the sound effects he shows in the panels to
Chewys Chewys 4May ch79 p7 :) :) :)
AceAssassain AceAssassain 4May ch79 p7 I Agree sometimes I wait like a week to check so I have more than one page to read because every time he uploads one page a day I (...)
Chewys Chewys 2May ch79 p7 Well... i guess you know, work, life, family, all that stuff :D :D :D He's a dad, remember. Of a young teenanger if i'm not mist (...)
AceAssassain AceAssassain 2May ch79 p7 same here bro idk why the author keeps disappearing
Chewys Chewys 17Apr ch79 p7 Still waiting for mass destruction :)
AceAssassain AceAssassain 2Apr ch79 p7 Mass Destruction will occur on page 8

651 comments in other languages.

mangafan mangafan 27Dec ch2 p11 *sympa
mangafan mangafan 26Dec ch1 p21 oh le joli lionceau ! **
mangafan mangafan 26Dec ch1 p19 on sent l'habitué XD
rickicki rickicki 23Nov ch1 p23 Je ne traduits pas aussi vite qu'il publie, malheureusement. Mais je vais essayer de publier 1 page par jour. J'ai lu toute la (...)
rickicki rickicki 23Nov ch1 p7 Fait.
rickicki rickicki 23Nov ch1 p8 La traduction est toujours imparfaite, effectivement. Je comprends la proposition concernant l'ajout de "toujours", seulement je l (...)
Didules Didules 23Nov ch1 p20 A partir du moment où ça colle à l'intention, c'est parfait ^^)/
rickicki rickicki 23Nov ch1 p10 Fait.
rickicki rickicki 23Nov ch1 p16 Fait.
rickicki rickicki 23Nov ch1 p17 Fait.
rickicki rickicki 23Nov ch1 p18 Fait.
rickicki rickicki 23Nov ch1 p20 Je vois le souci, mais je n'adhère pas au corrections proposées. J'ai modifié la bulle incriminée et la précédente pour mieux coll (...)
rickicki rickicki 23Nov ch1 p21 J'avais un doute, merci.
rickicki rickicki 23Nov ch1 p22 Pour le bazar, je ne suis pas convaincu. Pour le reste, c'est fait.
Didules Didules 20Nov ch1 p23 En deuxième case, "leur tête" ou bien "leurs têtes", les deux se rencontrent, mais "leur têtes" n'existe pas. ^^ On dirait qu (...)

Message board : topics about Ryak-Lo

commander New Topic! 30Oct All comics - Ryak-Lo - Ryak-Lo up to date great story i cant wait of page 14 of chapter 40
TroyB New Topic! 8May Hello and Introducing Ryak-Lo wow you already pûblished nearly 600pages you're craaaaazy :) I like what you do, welcome here :)

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