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Ouroboros 28

It's sad that there isn't much commeting on this work.

This is somthing that makes me want to learn more, about Mineshaft & co's world

Are some of the knights in the play knight magazine in the top 20.. Lance excluded of course?

Ouroboros 08/15/2016 21:56:30   
Salagir 32

Ouroboros said:It's sad that there isn't much commeting on this work.
I think so too.

Ouroboros said:This is somthing that makes me want to learn more, about Mineshaft & co's world
I wanted to do such things, but I don't think I'll be able to continue HMS enough as it is going now.

Ouroboros said:Are some of the knights in the play knight magazine in the top 20.. Lance excluded of course?
Ah, maybe Being strong and handsome is the particularity of many heroes!

Salagir 08/20/2016 17:35:50   
Ash 1

I'll be really sorry to see this story go. I really enjoyed this and Amilova.

Ash 09/08/2016 11:38:22   
Eddie Nash 6

Me too. I'll be sad is it stops. I've been following this comic for a long time now. I hope it continues for a long time.

Eddie Nash 09/13/2016 17:48:55   

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Author : , ,

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Translation by : Salagir

Original Language: Français

Type : manga

Genre : Humor

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