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Ouroboros 28

It's typical you see a man and woman together and the first assumution is that they are in a romantic relationship.

She is in the same hospital so it is not a bother to visit a collage.
They could have been classmates or family...
Or she could only be interested in him now by his muscles ( i think it are shdows not a blush but it is not to clear) .. who knows.

It is rare to use overpolite dutch so Gerard like Lance is a blast to translate

Ouroboros 05/05/2016 10:28:26   
Salagir 32

They are indeed simply colleagues.

I don't know for Dutch but Gerard isn't being overpolite, he is using "police" words, like they would use in reports (altercation, procedure, intoxicated).

Salagir 05/07/2016 16:32:19   
Ouroboros 28

no update today?

Ouroboros 05/12/2016 17:17:34   
Salagir 32

I totally forgot!!
Page is now up. I'm very sorry.

Salagir 05/12/2016 20:49:16   
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Hemispheres: cover




Author : , ,

Team : , , ,

Translation by : Salagir

Original Language: Français

Type : manga

Genre : Humor

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