Mythes et Légendes
by Miss-M
Haruka is a girl that, in her dreams, embodies legendary creatures. This amuses her until the day she is hit by a car. Injured, she is found by Kyosuke, one of his classmates, who brings her...
Pages: 41
Updated: 20Jan
Aline on dis "Faille Spatio-Temporelle" voyons relis tes classique (BD Valérian et Laureline agents Spatio-Temporel)
moiaimebien 09/26/2016 13:53:50Author
Exacte! *part se flageller*
mykilow 09/27/2016 07:18:54on ne dit pas "enterré sous la neige" ?
Sophie♥ 03/15/2017 01:45:54