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Ouroboros 28

A-8... we never learned how strong he really was.

Ouroboros 03/13/2017 17:24:14   
Chewys 31

Yeah! Ox-Satan and A-8... two characters that never fought... but in my head the only logical ways for the Red Ribbon to defeat Ox Satan were: Blue, Tao Pai Pai and A-8... and Blue i had already used for Pilaf, Tao Pai Pai seemed like an overkill... A-8 was the one

It was really difficult to make the fighting scenes... since they have none in the manga

Chewys 03/13/2017 22:50:49   
Ouroboros 28

And it gives an excuse for the heroes to gather the dragon balls to revive Gohans old friend and probbaly his daughter (but maybe she is still away searching for Roshi)

Ouroboros 03/13/2017 23:02:52   
Chewys 31

Could be!


He is already dead to you XD

Chewys 03/13/2017 23:10:50   
ebilly 3

I love this. I hope the Red Ribbon army actually get there wish. Oh and is Launch still around

ebilly 03/14/2017 19:06:42   
Chewys 31

Thanks! I think that without Goku´s help Launch might be in jail

Chewys 03/14/2017 22:05:22   

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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Author :

Team : , , , ,

Translation by : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Releasing pace: Tuesday, Saturday

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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