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John Boredonquixote 10

So it is time for Dr Raichi...

He is one of my favorite characters in the db universe.I hope you will give us a glance of his cerebral personality.

These saiyans ,as they are now,deserve his horrors.Would be fun if the ghosts haunted the killers (like in a psychological thriller) before unleashing the horror.

John Boredonquixote 08/19/2017 13:31:47   
Chewys 31

I too love Raichi and maybe, just maybe, i'll enter a little bit more into his story, since i got a pretty good idea of how does he exists in U3 and not in the other Universes.

But remember this non official non DBM-cannon specials are about Earth.This first three pages were meant for context for that story. (yes, they also serve for context for Raichi's story).

Chewys 08/19/2017 14:03:26   
venuu 19

so vegeta wins now and lose later? as burduck is king in universe 3 when the tournament is and in flashbacks when tapion appears before lychee, hanasia is said 2 be queen and raditz/goku r both a prince

venuu 08/19/2017 15:27:23   
Chewys 31

Really? I can't remember Bardock being stated as king in DBM.
Send me those links please Venuu!

Either way, i guess Bardock could resume his kingdom should something tragic happen to Vegeta

Chewys 08/19/2017 15:36:25   
AnimeChicken 5

I don't see it directly stated in the manga or novel it is just implied though it really doesn't matter since Vegeta will inevitably die giving the title of king back to Bardock. Also one thing I found while reading up on Universe 3 Bardock was in Chapter 111 of the Novel Bardock is training to go SS2 and a few chapters later nearly does it after seeing Universe 13 Vegeta kills the "ghost" Saiyans. Thought that was cool so I thought I would share ...keep up the good work!

AnimeChicken 08/19/2017 16:16:46   
Chewys 31

Yeah! That part i read! Very interesting. Bardock is certenly a Ssj2 by now with the Majin boost.

Chewys 08/19/2017 17:03:34   
venuu 19

relooked back and i mismembered it, i just assumed he just still was as in the multiverse manga we didn't see that much after he beat king vegeta, only when lychee has already won and meet tapion. but it safely 2 assume that 1 guy who challenged barduck after barduck won from king vegeta wouldn't be the only saiya-jin 2 do so, of course (the than ex)prince vegeta would try it

venuu 08/19/2017 18:39:53   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

So in the DBM English comments section, I got Salagir to respond to a thread about this comic and he said he liked U9's story a lot and had a problem that it was too much like his version.

I'm wondering if there are similarities between this and his U3 story and if there are I hope/want this to be one of them. It would make so much sense that Raichi would be victorious in U3 because Vegeta stole the throne from Bardock, which meant Bardock had no means of directing the Saiyan forces against Raichi before it was too late. Vegeta dooming them all makes more sense than the guy with visions of the future that he can use to change the future being the one that dooms them all.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 08/20/2017 01:08:20   
venuu 19

that actually makes a lot of sense, never thought aboot it

venuu 08/20/2017 15:51:59   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

Me neither until seeing this depiction of King Bardock losing his throne to ex-Prince Vegeta.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 08/21/2017 00:34:49   
venuu 19

i do wonder what happened with brolli in the meantime

venuu 08/22/2017 11:30:25   
Chewys 31

It seemed fitting that Vegeta would be the one to f*ck things up

Chewys 08/21/2017 19:01:19   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

It indeed does seem more fitting that a brilliant scientist and one gifted with the power to see the future isn't the guy to fuck things up. Vegeta seems much more likely to be the better candidate seeing as he has fucked shit up in the U18 timeline multiple times.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 08/22/2017 01:14:16   
Chewys 31

Exactly. That´s very Vegeta.

Chewys 08/22/2017 17:35:17   
Cell3 4

IF Bardock and Vegeta are super Sayan, did they kill Cooler?

Cell3 01/13/2018 22:57:33   
Chewys 31

Remember than this is a diffrent Universe: in U9, Cooler killed Kakarotto (that´s why he never went to Earth) and also Freezer and Cold (thus being the ultimate emperor of the Universe). In that Universe, Bardock and all of the saiyan race (except Raditz, Nappa and Vegeta) are dead.

We´ll resume U9 story (where the Z warriors are still alive) soon.

This Piccolo chatpers are about Universe 3: where Bardock organized a rebelion against Freezer and killed him (see the special Chapters of DBM . And yeah, since they are both Super Saiyans i guess they already killed Cooler and Cold too.

Chewys 01/14/2018 00:28:43   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Author :

Team : , , , ,

Translation by : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Releasing pace: Tuesday, Saturday

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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