ch1 p1
First time I saw it I was speechless. Simple and thereby amazing. Well, maybe I little exaggerated ;)
Exagerated, that's what (...)
ch1 p1
First time I saw it I was speechless. Simple and thereby amazing. Well, maybe I little exaggerated ;)
Exagerated, that's what (...)
ch1 p1
First time I saw it I was speechless. Simple and thereby amazing. Well, maybe I little exaggerated ;)
Exagerated, that's what (...)
DrugOn 8Oct
ch1 p1
First time I saw it I was speechless. Simple and thereby amazing. Well, maybe I little exaggerated ;)
TroyB 7Oct
ch1 p3
CLICK ON ENGLISH to start playing with the flash interactive Turbomedia :) !!!
TroyB 7Oct
ch1 p2
CLICK ON ENGLISH to start playing with the flash interactive Turbomedia :) !!!
TroyB 7Oct
ch1 p1
CLICK ON ENGLISH to start playing with the flash interactive Turbomedia :) !!!
ch1 p1
Comme quoi le mec de 24h chrono n'est pas le plus à plaindre niveau journées difficiles ;)
edit : ooops ca poste tout sur la mêm (...)
ch1 p1
ah comme tu as si bien retranscris tout le bonheur qu'on ressent dans les transports parisiens :p
ch2 p1
Ce qui est super Malec c'est que tu as crée un type de narration qui colle totalement à ce que tu veux raconter, ton personnage, t (...)
Elfyq 8Nov
ch2 p1
Enooorme ! J'adore ce concept, ça fait très "dessin animé" et c'est super agréable à lire ! Surtout que je me suis bidonné tout du (...)
valdé 5Nov
ch2 p1
c'est excellent xD un vrai bonheur a lire XD
75 Comments on the pages of Malec Turbomedia