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Ouroboros 28

Tien didn't deserve this

Ouroboros 01/15/2019 10:31:56   
Chewys 31

Hehehe, he shined a lot already

Chewys 01/15/2019 13:21:58   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Tien maybe deserved it just a little bit...

Krillin at least showed Kami some respect when he fought against him.
Tien's anger got the better of him and insulted Kami for possessing a supposedly weak fighter.

Remember, Tien did not go down the same path of redemption that he did in the original Dragon Ball story. There is no Goku to knock his ego down by a few pegs. He is still quite cocky, rude and overly prideful!

Ultimate-Perfection 01/15/2019 19:21:26   
John Boredonquixote 10

Hahahaha and that's folks the difference between the genius fighter Mr. Satan and the amateur called Tien! Actually, Krillin performed a lot better than him Tien has still a long way to go

John Boredonquixote 01/15/2019 12:03:30   
Chewys 31

Chewys 01/15/2019 13:22:38   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Holy moley! Tien went down even faster than Krillin! I guess the pendulum swings back harder when you are even stronger, and more rude to your opponent too!

I'm honestly satisfied with this outcome. It is another wake up call for our heroes to show them they still have a long ways to go in becoming stronger.

Kami might seem to be fighting unfairly, but he truly cares about them. He is preparing them for his training on the Lookout, which will be tougher than anything they have encountered yet(along with Lord Popo's training! ).
Their next big opponents will be the Saiyans, which make King Piccolo look like a girl scout by comparison! They will need all of the help they can get!

Ultimate-Perfection 01/15/2019 19:30:56   
Jason Phoenix 11

I accept this ending, really I do. But... could it be the multiform technique?

Jason Phoenix 01/16/2019 19:02:40   
Chewys 31

Hehehe, well, he would have lost anyway: a part of him is touching the ground

Chewys 01/16/2019 20:35:59   
venuu 19

Whut, Kami looks a bit like jerk

venuu 01/17/2019 07:02:52   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Author :

Team : , , , ,

Translation by : Chewys

Original Language: Español

Releasing pace: Tuesday, Saturday

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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