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Ouroboros 28

Cranes and Turtles working together?
The world is doomed

Ouroboros 02/12/2019 10:47:59   
Faloon 2

Why go back?

Isn't Kami-sama stronger than Mr. Popo?

Faloon 02/12/2019 11:51:22   
Jason Phoenix 11

You know, something came to mind. How are they going to beat Cooler? Considering they mentioned Oozarus but not Super Saiyans, I doubt Vegeta and gang even got the chance to unlock it, they all probably died on Earth. So how could they beat Cooler? First idea that comes to mind is the Mafuba. But I'm not so sure that was the solution. Of course they could have trained to the most absolute limit, but I'm still doubt it. Another idea I had was if by then Yamcha was already a cyborg. Any one has a theory on this?

Jason Phoenix 02/12/2019 15:33:48   
Jason Phoenix 11

Sorry for the long rant. But I still would like to know.

Jason Phoenix 02/12/2019 15:34:38   
Chewys 31

Haha, you´ll just have to wait :P

Chewys 02/12/2019 16:07:05   
JoKar1007 5

So, they are stronger than Mr. Popo (so stronger than King Piccolo), but are they stronger than Kami? ????

JoKar1007 02/12/2019 16:57:49   
godking 1

Only popo level strength ?

That makes no sense.

Goku surpassed Kami duiring his training at Kami's place.

And krillin Tien and Yamcha reached Raditz level with 1 year of training

godking 02/12/2019 19:09:12   
JoKar1007 5

Yeah, but Goku was stronger than King Piccolo (because of the Gods Water) when he strated this training. Also, they are humans, they are stronger than what they were in that time in the original timeline.

JoKar1007 02/12/2019 20:19:02   
Chewys 31

Ok, here is what i think:
In the original manga, Popo trained Goku and in three years he went from around 260 yo around 400.
Humans were trained by Kami, and went from around 200 to over 1200 in less than a year. I know this was because of plot needs. But i'll work with it: so, from the evidence we can say it's clear that Kami trains better than Popo.
So, i chose them to be trained by Popo, like Goku originally. It also makes sense to me, since Kami might have some reserves as to create a team of guys (one who was a former bandit, another a former killer wanna be) who are all stronger than himself. He has to retain control: Kamisama is still stronger.
So, here, the guys were trained by Popo and their strengh has risen following Goku's progress. But they are not Goku, so none has surpassed Kamisama yet. Some are stronger than Popo, some weaker.

Chewys 02/12/2019 20:54:57   
Chewys 31

Also, Popo´s level must be around 310, and Kamisama´s level around 390. Of course, as they have ki control, it can change.
So, you can picture humans power level by now.

Chewys 02/12/2019 21:19:03   
Ultimate-Perfection 11

Like Chewys said, it was mainly done out of necessity to remain relevant to the plot. But it could make some sense why they did not get as strong as they did in the main story.

Raditz has not arrived yet, so Kami and Mr. Popo do not have a higher benchmark of someone vastly stronger them in order to force them to surpass yet.
Goku was able to take his time and learn everything he needed to know in 3 years. Piccolo Jr. was only around twice as powerful as his father, King Piccolo (PL 260), so Goku would not have to get as crazy strong.
Raditz (PL 1500) was over THREE times more powerful than Piccolo Jr (PL 408), while Nappa (PL:4000-6000) and Vegeta (PL: 18,000) were FOUR and TWELVE times stronger than him respectively.
The stakes were so much higher than they ever were in the Piccolo Jr. Saga, having to increase their power levels nearly tenfold (only being in the 200s when they went to Kami's Lookout) in order to stand a fighting chance against the weaker of the Saiyan duo, in only ONE YEAR!

Secondly, the Human Z-Warriors were always following and falling behind Goku's trail, training with the masters he had already surpassed earlier, and were trying to catch up with him by requesting tougher training regimens than Goku had been given on his own. They had already asked for more difficult training with Korin right before the Piccolo Jr. Saga, and later on in the Namek Saga with King Kai. It would be logical to say they would have done the same tactic with Kami and Mr. Popo.

Ultimate-Perfection 02/12/2019 21:41:53   
Chewys 31

That´s also truth. Benchmarks were pretty clear and pretty high in the original.

Chewys 02/12/2019 23:58:43   
venuu 19

Mr Popo level? Than the Saiya-jins r fucked. They know the pecking order than?

venuu 02/12/2019 23:10:17   
AnimeChicken 5

Isn't Mr Popo's power level 1,030 in the Sayian saga though? If Chewys theory about Popo is correct and Kami trained them than how did Popo get stronger?

AnimeChicken 02/13/2019 00:01:52   
Chewys 31

1030!?!?!? Where is that from?
Those powers are never stated in the manga. Still, Popo tells Goku that Kami is stronger than him. And then Kami says both Piccolo and Goku are stronger than him.
And we know that Goku and Piccolo are around 400 units... so Kami must be lower than that, and Popo lower than Kami.

I´ll base the powers in the original manga. Anything else (even "cannon" interviews) i´ll take into account ONLY if it doesn´t contradict the original manga.

Chewys 02/13/2019 00:57:39   
AnimeChicken 5

His power level was stated in the weekly shonen jump guide to power levels as 1,030 after the 1 year of training with the humans(it was 200 to 300 before the 1 year I believe) which doesnt contradict the manga but isn't confirmed canon(from Toriyama) it's just accepted as a source from the publishers of the manga(since they worked with Toriyama).

AnimeChicken 02/13/2019 06:16:17   
Chewys 31

Ah, i've seen it. Many of those powers (like Kami's ir Raditz's) do contradict the manga. So i'm not taking it into account.

Chewys 02/13/2019 11:32:30   
Kaioken Krillshinhan 3

Only Popo's level? HAH.
When Radditz appears they will open a bag of Timechamber quicker then a can of Senzubeans.

Hahahaha also glad to see Mister Satans Legend growing. ^^

Kaioken Krillshinhan 02/13/2019 21:19:25   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Author :

Team : , , , ,

Translation by : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Releasing pace: Tuesday, Saturday

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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