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Ouroboros 28

A Picture i drew for myself , to celebrate my aging day.

I liked the picture to much to clutter it with a happy birthday

Seasu Megil and Yi Hufu drawn more then 2 years younger (12) (and just turned 12)

At there last week at "Mother Laurentia" Elementary School.

"Mother Laurentia" Elementary School while not a boarding school had the option to let the kids stay the night as it was a boarding school/ orphanage 51 years ago.
Now they function as a school that harbors kids with parents that can't be home al the time.
Seasu's parents are in the music industrie, while Yi's father had to studie to become a university teacher. and his archaeology jobs.

This school has a hirachy system, at there last year the children are Matrons, that outrank, Guardians who in return outrank Scouts.
Scouts who are (7-9 years) are trusted to look after the younger once.
Guardians (9-11 years) look over a scout the children can go to her to complain about there scout.
A Gardian is expected to learn her Scout how to repair there own clothing, and are basically big sisters to the Scout.
A Matron (11-12 years) overlooks how well her former scout now turned Gardian performs her functions.
They run school activities , run there own sport team and are there to make the teachers life easier.

While the two girls knew each other at the first school year, the friendship started really of at the Scout days.
At times Yi asked her father to stay the night when Seasu's parents weren't able to show up.
Due to this where the girls seen as more reliable Gardians/Matrons of there years.

Ouroboros 04/26/2019 11:57:49   

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Blaze of Silver

Blaze of Silver : cover




Author :

Original Language: English

Releasing pace: Wednesday , Sunday

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF

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