even tenshinhan would could follow goku can't follow drum? how fast is that fat guy?
venuu 08/01/2017 00:06:14dude, Drum is a f*cking beast, he totally owned Tien in the original manga, and i don't think yamcha and krilin are at that level yet
sbacio 10/02/2017 19:47:55
Bientôt il sera derrières un grillage, celui d'une maison de redressement.
buthler 03/14/2019 18:54:07Author
Pas grave, il aime les grillages!
Ayaluna 03/17/2019 21:27:09the cutest
Sanouch 01/10/2020 22:26:03Author
Ayaluna 02/07/2020 14:28:53Author
Salut salut! Tu continue à lire Génération Y ? :3
Ayaluna 03/05/2020 21:54:49Si ça t'intéresse j'auto-édite mon manga et tu peux participer au financement pour recevoir le manga chez toi: https://ulule.com/generation-y/