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Ouroboros 28

I don't know I don't know what the oginal version ment but.

Your inhospitality insults dwarves' honor. I'll set it right myself.

doesn't roll that well Mineshaft is talking about her race but she doesn't talk that way.

Your inhospitality insults ALL dwarves honor.


Your inhospitality insults OUR dwarveN honor.

I'll set it right myself. I'll correct that myself.

Sorry to be a bother

Ouroboros 12/02/2011 17:53:10   
Salagir 32

I like the "dwarven", but not really "all" or "our". If I can find something near the 2nd version...

"correct" > ok

Salagir 12/05/2011 10:44:15   
Salagir 32

Changes applied
Yes, all in good time !

Salagir 12/06/2011 16:13:40   
hulkty 1

So this is where Lance finds out Mineshaft is a chick? Oh boy...

hulkty 12/02/2011 20:38:58   
ceco1 6

hulkty said:So this is where Lance finds out Mineshaft is a chick? Oh boy...
and he will forget it right away

ceco1 12/06/2011 16:51:22   

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