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Yienzu 5

Mouth beam! I always liked that move. Wonder what Gohan will do now? Maybe he's closer to Krillin and Roshi?

Yienzu 06/29/2019 20:32:17   
Chewys 31

Like mother like son

Chewys 06/29/2019 23:12:00   
John Boredonquixote 10

Nooooo!!! Kinton... Kinton is... dead???

John Boredonquixote 06/29/2019 20:33:03   
Chewys 31

Well... if it was ever alive at'xs dead now.

Chewys 06/29/2019 23:12:34   
Ouroboros 28

Nope it will rebuild itself later like he did in the original universe

Ouroboros 06/29/2019 23:38:35   
Chewys 31

It did after Silver shot it down, but not after Tambourine destroyed it... so this one is pretty much off the story.
Of course we have Roshi's (Goham took this piece directly from Karin, Roshi still has his) and anyone kind and strong enough could just grab another piece from Karin. He has plenty!!

Chewys 06/30/2019 01:29:37   
Jason Phoenix 11

Damn, people sometimes underestimate how unpredictable mouth beams are. Since most fighters from Z onwards are martial artists, they stopped using things like that, because it's not exactly fitting of martial arts. But still, when pushed to their limits they should use every trick available (kinda like how Golu bit Freeza and Kid Buu when he was at his limit)

Jason Phoenix 06/29/2019 23:25:22   
Atan 3

I did not know that Kinton was so fast. I wonder when the Z-warriors began to outspeed it.
In fact, I thought that Raditz would surpass Gohan...
So now... will Gohan be killed immediately? Or will he try to stall Raditz for a while?
I hope we will see Krilin and Roshi soon!

Atan 06/30/2019 21:39:47   
Chewys 31

Well... for me they surpassed Kinton after tbey used visible ki to speed up...
I mean, Goku uses kinton when going to face Nappa and Vegeta. And he was in a real hurry...
So, ever after Vegeta, they are faster than kinton.
Here i put Raditz as fast... but i think i'm doing him a favour.

Chewys 07/01/2019 17:52:25   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Author :

Team : , , , ,

Translation by : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Releasing pace: Tuesday, Saturday

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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