Mythes et Légendes
by Miss-M
Haruka is a girl that, in her dreams, embodies legendary creatures. This amuses her until the day she is hit by a car. Injured, she is found by Kyosuke, one of his classmates, who brings her...
Pages: 41
Updated: 20Jan

Khordel 11/01/2019 20:45:45Le pauvre indic...
Tout son effet de style a été gâché
Bonne continuation
Vanou Titiyou 11/02/2019 12:50:27Oups, la réunion discrète marchait bien pourtant.
Sandymoon 12/04/2019 09:39:40J'ai trop aimé le tg
Sophie♥ 03/24/2020 22:18:24Author
Bah attends, il vient de lui enlever tout son style mystérieux
Vanou Titiyou 03/25/2020 12:08:04haha on pourrait dire ça oui
Sophie♥ 03/25/2020 23:35:14