Mythes et Légendes
by Miss-M
Haruka is a girl that, in her dreams, embodies legendary creatures. This amuses her until the day she is hit by a car. Injured, she is found by Kyosuke, one of his classmates, who brings her...
Pages: 41
Updated: 20Jan
Hahahahaha génial! x') C'est bien trouvé!
Sewell 02/14/2020 08:49:06Author
Merci Sewell
Vanou Titiyou 02/14/2020 10:35:51Trop euh... Mignon ?
Sandymoon 02/14/2020 09:01:22Author
Vanou Titiyou 02/14/2020 10:36:10Ah, ben le voila, le "pas du tout"

Khordel 02/14/2020 11:03:38Pauvre Zack
Enfin, il y a un point d'interrogation... il lui reste de l'espoir... peut-être...
Bonne continuation
said:Ah, ben le voila, le "pas du tout"
Vanou Titiyou 02/14/2020 11:14:07said:
Enfin, il y a un point d'interrogation... il lui reste de l'espoir... peut-être... L'interprétation reste libre :p
Belle conclusion
moiaimebien 02/17/2020 20:56:45Author
Vanou Titiyou 02/18/2020 05:11:18