Coeur d'Aigle
Yaoi - Boys love
by nynadp
- Yaoi Story ;) - Damien, 16 years old, lives with his adoptive parents and a young man called Noka. One morning, as he discovers in the basement a pot containing "surprising" things, Noka...
Pages: 35
Updated: 23Apr
R2K 05/15/2020 15:04:23[Retour de la censure!]
Je dis tout pareil XD
Aluuka 05/15/2020 15:19:33A quoi à servit ma censure dans ce cas?!
R2K 05/15/2020 15:23:01Nooooon...
Shiro-chan_ 05/15/2020 17:10:24Encore un commentaire utile...
Bon courage pour la suite excellent auteur
hi hi mer :3
Aluuka 05/15/2020 17:26:07