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Hemispheres : manga cover

Our world is too normal. Heroic fantasy is much better, isn't it?
Follow the adventures of an apprentice magician, her talking cat, and two great heroes...

Cartoonist : and

Scenarist :

Translator : and

Colorist :

Helper :

Original Language : Français

Updated on : Finished

Genre : Humor

Type : manga - Saga
(read from left to right)

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Ebooks Hemispheres available from 0.7
Spécial : le contrôle : Volume 1
Volume 1
Spécial : le contrôle

Format : PDF
Pages : 21
Weight : 10.0MB
Price : 0.7€

Ch 1-2-3-4 : Volume 1
Volume 1
Ch 1-2-3-4

Format : PDF
Pages : 140
Weight : 111.8MB
Price : 1€

Remake : Volume 1
Volume 1

Format : PDF
Pages : 59
Weight : 67.0MB
Price : 2€

Ch 5-6-7-8 : Volume 2
Volume 2
Ch 5-6-7-8

Format : PDF
Pages : 86
Weight : 63.4MB
Price : 3€

Ch 9-10-11 : Volume 3
Volume 3
Ch 9-10-11

Format : PDF
Pages : 74
Weight : 59.2MB
Price : 3€

Ch 12-13-14 : Volume 4
Volume 4
Ch 12-13-14

Format : PDF
Pages : 70
Weight : 37.5MB
Price : 3€

Ch 15-16 : Volume 5
Volume 5
Ch 15-16

Format : PDF
Pages : 49
Weight : 25.6MB
Price : 3€

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13923 Comments on the pages of Hemispheres

joedavidson joedavidson 4Aug ch1 p1 Simple yet so cool!
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch17 p11 Well... there goes my tip :D :D :D Amazing work!
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch17 p8 Sailor Moon, Sakura, Jem and the Holograms?
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch17 p5 HAhaha, take his quest!
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch16 p24 Mmmm... Dexter´s Lab or Dexter the killer?
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch16 p21 Hahahaha, a Gnome asfalt Golem!
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch16 p13 She´s amazing!! Nice moves!!
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch16 p12 The police woman is really good!!! But how come isn´t she burning from heat proximity?
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch16 p10 Nice reflexes police woman!!
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch15 p19 Nostalgic to see a panel of Salagir and Gogeta Jr.
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch15 p12 Hahahahaaha
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch15 p10 Well... it´s only problem is it doesn´t degradate...
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch15 p7 Actually plastic is a great material... Mineshaft should be amazed
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch14 p24 She does look like a great mom!
Chewys Chewys 30Jul ch14 p10 Nice thinking. Loved the He-Man cameo

13923 comments in other languages.

Momin Momin 23Dec ch4 p30 "Wosh gaming" doesn't appear to be a widely recognized term in the gaming community. It's possible there might be a typographical (...)
Son GoLaN I Son GoLaN I 8Apr ch4 p34 Muy buen comic de verdad, una pena que lo siguiente haya que pagarlo y no pueda hacerlo. Felicitaciones.
Son GoLaN I Son GoLaN I 8Apr ch4 p31 Una historia con mucho humor y muy original, pero se me hace curioso que en ningun momento he leido ningun comentario acerca de lo (...)
Son GoLaN I Son GoLaN I 7Apr ch4 p28 Grande Chewys! me acabo de dar cuenta con este mensaje de que tu comentario es del 2012, por lo que la pagina debio empezar antes, (...)
lollollipop lollollipop 26May ch4 p5 la decence ce la page
darksnake darksnake 23Sep ch23 p7 Toujours un plaisir de relire cette BD.
Iol Iol 5Sep ch2 p3 Pas de phobie ?:D :D
Iol Iol 5Sep ch2 p2 Tellement intelligent pour trouver de nom le gars :D
Iol Iol 5Sep ch1 p14 :D :D :D
Louane12345 Louane12345 27Aug ch3 p1 Cool mais il faut le passe premium
Iol Iol 26Aug ch2 p24 Si ça c'est un feu de mauviette alors je demande le feu classique!:D :D
Pondy Pondy 22Aug ch2 p24 :D Comme le dit l'autre barbu page précédente "ah tu veux un feu de mauviette" :D
Iol Iol 22Aug ch4 p31 Le nouveau moyen de transport rapide et écologique:D :le nainvion!!!:D :D ;)
Iol Iol 22Aug ch4 p30 Des teletobys !!!:D :D :D
Iol Iol 22Aug ch4 p29 WTF!!!!:D :D :D

Message board : topics about Hemispheres

Salagir New Topic! 23May All comics - Hemispheres - Fanart competition for Hemispheres Book 3 ! Nice picture ! :) The contest is closed guys. Thanks for your participation ! All the presented images (so this one and the ones (...)
ceco New Topic! 24Oct [photos] Printings of Hémispheres, Run8, Amilova ! in reality they are even more gorgeous! :)

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