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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku : manga cover

This is a non official-non DBM cannon copy-paste fancomic based in the Universes 3 and 9 of Dragon Ball Multiverse: what would have happened if Goku never went to Earth?

In Universe 3 Bardock organized a saiyan rebelion, overthrowing the frost demons. And Kakarotto wasn´t send to Earth (though he lived to adulthood in the Saiyan Empire). This events are described in the chapters written by Salagir and drawn by Faye.

In Universe 9, as seen in the first pages of this copy-paste comics. Kakarotto is shot down by Coola.

That´s why in both U3 and U9 (and U1 and U10 also we´ll see someday) there was an Earth without Goku, and so events there were idencial, for a time, in both Universes

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Original Language : Español

Updated on : Tuesday, Saturday

Genre : Action

Type : manga - Saga
(read from left to right)

17950 Comments on the pages of DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

bnkjk bnkjk 27Dec ch38 p29 "Diable man" is the name of Akkuman in french, translating roughly to "Devilman". The comment you're talking about translates to " (...)
Momin Momin 17Dec ch38 p29 The phrase "Bon diable man est mort, sa tête a fait splash" seems to be a blend of French and Caribbean expressions, but it doesn' (...)
Momin Momin 17Dec ch38 p29 The phrase "Bon diable man est mort, sa tête a fait splash" seems to be a blend of French and Caribbean expressions, but it doesn' (...)
Georgiaava Georgiaava 16Nov ch22 p22 Elevate your travel experience with our opulent fleet of exquisite vehicles, ensuring a seamless journey for any occasion, includ (...)
DragonSlayer67 DragonSlayer67 6Nov ch38 p29 The last 2 pages including this one are in French
Hudson Leo Hudson Leo 4Nov ch38 p23 Ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail, representing cycles, eternity, and self-renewal. (...)
Aamliya Aamliya 4Nov ch38 p15 Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members! (Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members! Links are al (...)
DragonSlayer67 DragonSlayer67 2Nov ch38 p28 The page is in french
bnkjk bnkjk 26Oct ch38 p25 At that point in the story, Guldo is probably still stronger than Chiaotzu, and basically most of the cast except Ten Shin Han and (...)
ImperialWrath ImperialWrath 26Oct ch38 p21 Agreed, a battle of two psychic users
Ouroboros Ouroboros 23Oct ch38 p25 Choatsu: I ment the level of his phychic powers, his power level kinda sucks
Salagir Salagir 17Oct ch38 p21 Chaoz vs Guldo is actually THE fight we're missing in DBM.
Salagir Salagir 17Oct ch38 p12 Krillin deserves this! :)
Salagir Salagir 17Oct ch35 p29 Congratulations!!
Ouroboros Ouroboros 15Oct ch38 p23 poor guldo his friends won't do the same for him.

17950 comments in other languages.

Saberuneko Saberuneko 9Jan ch39 p15 Que no pagó el dominio web. Mejor, ojalá vuelva a públicar aquí como página principal, porque la página esa que montó era una mie (...)
TrunKs.Crow TrunKs.Crow 8Jan ch39 p15 Alguien sabe que paso con la página de chewys?
El Emperador El Emperador 7Jan ch39 p14 Que pasó que no puedo entrar en chewys.ficciones, me aparece error 404
TotalmentoTulio TotalmentoTulio 1Jan ch39 p13 ヾ(`ε´)ノ
TotalmentoTulio TotalmentoTulio 1Jan ch39 p12 ┌(︶︹︺)
TotalmentoTulio TotalmentoTulio 1Jan ch39 p11 ???
TotalmentoTulio TotalmentoTulio 1Jan ch39 p10 :!: :!: :!:
TotalmentoTulio TotalmentoTulio 1Jan ch39 p9 :( :( :(
Yamcha Yamcha 1Jan ch39 p13 Intéressant, Kyonshi aura-t-il le même lien qu'avec Yamcha que dans Elsewhere (notamment, lui avoir offert ses balafres, entre aut (...)
bnkjk bnkjk 28Dec ch39 p12 Même dans l'original, il est presque imbattable tant qu'il est concentré, et il faut forcément le prendre par surprise pour le bat (...)
Delta75 Delta75 28Dec ch39 p12 Guldo est le plus fort de tous dans cette version. GG Bonnes fêtes à tous.
bnkjk bnkjk 27Dec ch39 p16 Dans la continuité de Dragon Ball Z Elsewhere, Kyonshi est la personne à l'origine des cicatrices de Yamcha. Maccha est l'inventeu (...)
bnkjk bnkjk 27Dec ch39 p13 Kyonshi est un personnage original de RMK, qui apparaît dans son fan-manga Dragon Ball Z Elsewhere (https://dbzelsewhere.thecomics (...)
Yamcha Yamcha 25Dec ch39 p11 Ça fait plaisir de voir que Chaozu est mis en valeur, un personnage trop souvent oublié et sous-estimé.
Pascha Pascha 24Dec ch39 p11 Quatre-Zyeux a quatre orbites de plus ... ! Et sinon, ça craint encore ... ! :( Ten shin a tout donné !

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