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Chewys 31

Such silence...

I´ll go ahead and leave Mechaman´s comic about an alternate story for this Universe

Chewys 08/04/2020 16:39:39   
João Vitor 2

Kiwi will probably kill Nappa, but vegeta will recover and kill Kiwi.

João Vitor 08/04/2020 17:15:49   
TotalmentoTulio 19

I agree, the Kiwi will probably kill Nappa, only before it will oblige him to extract information from the Earthlings before, but the vegeta will appeal to an artificial moon and become a Giant Monkey and will kill the Kiwi. However, being tired and with little energy he will lose the fight to the other Z. I believe that Master Roshi dies and Yamcha is on the verge of death, at that moment the Android / Cyborgs arrive and take his body to Doctor Gero, but for some foreboding , intuition I think that this may not be so simple, I feel that Kiwi may have commissioned some other soldiers of medium rank to go help him, just when the Z are about to finish Vegeta the reinforcements will arrive and the Z will have to fight even more, at this point I imagine that other Earthlings may come to help the Z's, imagining that the destruction and explosions of power will attract the attention of the army of the land and other warriors.

TotalmentoTulio 08/07/2020 06:20:55   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Author :

Team : , , , ,

Translation by : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Releasing pace: Tuesday, Saturday

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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