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Sasori : manga cover

Follow Sunny and his friends incredible adventures, through a bunch of crazy islands... and discover the secrets of Sasori!

Toc, toc, toc ! Yosha ! It's meee, Ruleslemanga ! ^^

Cartoonist : and

Scenarist :

Translator : , and

Helper : , , and

Original Language : Français

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Action

Type : manga - Saga
(read from right to left)

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Ebooks Sasori available from 0.75
The Last Sasori T.1 + Bonus : Volume 1
Volume 1
The Last Sasori T.1 + Bonus

Format : PDF
Pages : 244
Weight : 29.2MB
Price : 0.75€

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2637 Comments on the pages of Sasori

Tommy01 Tommy01 20Apr ch1 p6 If you feel weary and have a deep connection to a lovely lady, this website will help you Только члены группы могут размещать ссыл (...)
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 28Jan ch4 p2 Long time no came to see the translate pages. ^^ Thanks a lot misstark for this great job ! ;D Have fun all ! :)
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 6Jun ch1 p2 XD ! I don't need to sleep, I need something else... :)
misstark misstark 6Jun ch1 p2 Go to sleep, you really need it :D
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 6Jun ch1 p2 :::XD::: !!! Karl-Henry ? :D Oh, he's on Facebook, he's waiting for you !! O O (I didn't find better to tell you to go there... . (...)
misstark misstark 6Jun ch1 p2 é___è .... Where are my sunglasses ? >__< :D
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 5Jun ch1 p2 Misstark makes a wonderful work ! ^^ Thanks a lot to her ! :)
Koragg Koragg 5Jun ch1 p2 The first translation was nice but the new one is better ! ;)
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 4Jun ch2 p11 Her name is misstark ^^ She translates like a boss, and I would never thank her enough :)
TroyB TroyB 4Jun ch3 p1 Super title :)
TroyB TroyB 4Jun ch2 p11 Thanks for the translation :)
TroyB TroyB 4Jun ch2 p4 Nice :)
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 16Jan ch2 p10 Sasori is a gentleman! ehee;) His name is Sunny ::::XD:::: Sasori is an other thing... :) Ups is that! :( My mistake! :) sorr (...)
babee babee 15Jan ch2 p10 Sasori is a gentleman! ehee;) His name is Sunny :::XD::: Sasori is an other thing... :) Ups is that! :( My mistake! :) sorry (...)
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 15Jan ch2 p10 Sasori is a gentleman! ehee;) His name is Sunny ::XD:: Sasori is an other thing... :) Ups is that! :( My mistake! :) sorry Su (...)

2637 comments in other languages.

Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 23Oct ch8 p3 Bonjour ! Notre Manga est officiellement sorti ! N'hésitez pas à vous le procurer sur le site des éditions YUME et ainsi b (...)
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 29Nov ch8 p2 Voici le lien direct pour précommander votre exemplaire : Merci à (...)
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 29Dec ch8 p1 Merci Seby ! :D
sebynosaure sebynosaure 29Dec ch8 p1 Jolie couverture. :)
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 29Dec ch8 p1 Aperçu de la couverture du premier Volume du manga ! ^^ N'hésitez pas à suivre l'avancement du projet sur Instagram : @thelast (...)
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 1Feb ch7 p9 Il fera son grand retour... sur papier !! :) Enfin, je l'espère... - __ -
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 1Feb ch7 p3 XD
Koragg Koragg 8Jan ch7 p9 Vivement le retour triomphal de Sunny ! ^_^
Koragg Koragg 8Jan ch7 p3 ESCROC !!!!
Koragg Koragg 8Jan ch7 p6 Approved !
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 6Dec ch7 p8 Pour connaître la raison de cette situation, rendez-vous au dernier chapitre du volume 1 de "The Last Sasori", uniquement dans l'E (...)
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 3Dec ch7 p1 Espérons que certains se le procurent ! ^^ Surtout que pour suivre le second volume, cet Ebook est indispensable ! :)
Masterstyle Masterstyle 3Dec ch7 p1 Yeah!!
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 2Dec ch7 p7 Fanart de "Full Moon", l'un des mangas phare d' --->
Ruleslemanga Ruleslemanga 28Nov ch6 p23 Ton intuition m'intéresse... Ca te dit de jouer au LOTO ensemble ? :D

Message board : topics about Sasori

Ruleslemanga New Topic! 16Nov All comics - Sasori - Sasori : a new french "shonen" manga ! :D Thanks a lot to appreciate our job !! ^^' Oh yeaaaah !!! O_____O I'll read it with a real pleasure !!!!! :D PS : The next page o (...)

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