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Konzraid 1

Vegeta’s gonna try and destroy earth i believe, he’s ran out of options at this point.

Konzraid 03/08/2022 09:35:16   
luca1 6

he doesn't have near enough power to do that - a small explosion that will throw them away a few feet as a attempt to buy time to run to his ship maybe. but then I always wanted Kururin to use that sword

luca1 03/08/2022 10:22:22   
Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 12

DBM U8 Krillin used the sword to kill Vegeta. As for here in Chewys' Unofficial U9, Yajirobe never used the sword to cut off Vegeta's tail. C11 (Chi-Chi) cut it off with her elbow.

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami 03/08/2022 10:57:01   
Slugger 8

There is still the sword that Kami gave to Mr. Popo

Slugger 03/08/2022 20:37:00   
luca1 6

Kor Daemonsbane Saiyajinkami said:DBM U8 Krillin used the sword to kill Vegeta. As for here in Chewys' Unofficial U9, Yajirobe never used the sword to cut off Vegeta's tail. C11 (Chi-Chi) cut it off with her elbow. I am still counting on Yajirobe to show up

luca1 03/10/2022 09:14:50   
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DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku

DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: cover




Author :

Team : , , , ,

Translation by : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK

Original Language: Español

Releasing pace: Tuesday, Saturday

Type : manga

Genre : Action

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