Author : Chewys
Team : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK, Demerzel, Gregoreo, bnkjk, JustWatchingManga
Translation by : This....IS MY BOOMSTICK
Original Language: Español
Releasing pace: Tuesday, Saturday
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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I was always confused about one thing - in the Cell saga Goku said you can only enter that room in couples I think... was that only to trick Vegeta into spending some time with Trunks or was there a rule for that that later was forgotten?
luca1 03/16/2023 09:49:39Author
They didn't have to enter in couples. But only two people were allowed at once. That's why they did it that way.
Chewys 03/16/2023 10:51:22Piccolo trained alone and also Goku when he was a kid
The only rules of the Time Chamber are that a maximum of two people can stay in the room at the same time, and that a person can only use the room for a maximum of two years.
Ultimate-Perfection 03/16/2023 19:37:49Goku wanted everyone to train in pairs because it would be more beneficial to train with a partner. They also couldn’t afford to let everyone take turns and wait since Cell was wreaking havoc around Earth and they needed to stop him as quickly as possible.
Like Chewys said, Goku and Piccolo both trained alone in the room. Vegeta and Trunks also trained solo during their second year in the Time Chamber after Cell became perfect. They were able to do that since Cell gave them 10 extra days to train (and Vegeta was being stubborn and didn’t want to train with a partner again
I love that Tien is training by using the Multiform technique. It’s similar to the anime scenes of Piccolo training with his clones
Ultimate-Perfection 03/16/2023 20:13:35