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Follow me

Follow me : manga cover

A story about a girl who lost her hope and dreams. But suddenly a new world opens up to her in an inexplicable and incredible way and make her believe in herself.

Cartoonist :

Translator :

Helper :

Original Language : Български

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Thriller

Type : manga
(read from right to left)

111 Comments on the pages of Follow me

Rukkeo Rukkeo 25Mar ch3 p11 :) I hope to see more of this manga
Rukkeo Rukkeo 25Mar ch3 p5 her "face" is priceless xD
Rukkeo Rukkeo 25Mar ch3 p4 she made him to kiss her x3 woah
Rukkeo Rukkeo 25Mar ch2 p17 such wonderful story:)
Rukkeo Rukkeo 25Mar ch2 p11 this manga is really awesome
iliak iliak 14Oct ch3 p11 :)
ezysummers ezysummers 14Feb ch1 p12 Ohhh now this is beautiful :) I love your drawings and your comics is very nice and gentle to read (even though some drawings seem (...)
ezysummers ezysummers 14Feb ch1 p12 This is magnificent! :) thanks!!!
ezysummers ezysummers 14Feb ch1 p12 T-T your skills are awesome!!! this is so cool Thank you *A* <3
Zwein Zwein 14Feb ch1 p12 This is magnificent!
ezysummers ezysummers 9Feb ch3 p8 its becoming more and more interesting. Really good job, keep it up Thank you! :))
ceco1 ceco1 9Feb ch3 p8 its becoming more and more interesting. Really good job, keep it up
mcgrnwlf mcgrnwlf 1Jan ch1 p12 T-T your skills are awesome!!! this is so cool
Esteryn Esteryn 27Dec ch2 p13 The first image is great and the "monster" lady is very efficient, can't wait to see what happens next, i'm going to follow :)
Esteryn Esteryn 27Dec ch1 p12 Ohhh now this is beautiful :) I love your drawings and your comics is very nice and gentle to read (even though some drawings seem (...)

111 comments in other languages.

Domm Domm 24Dec ch2 p19 et il savererais qu'elle soit dans un coma! non en vrai j'en sais rien xD
Domm Domm 24Dec ch2 p6 xD
Domm Domm 24Dec ch2 p5 ahah moi aussi ça met arrivé! xD
Domm Domm 24Dec ch1 p12 wow!! '0'
yaya l'otaku yaya l'otaku 3Apr ch3 p11 génial!Vivement la suite!
FanatiqueManga FanatiqueManga 20Jan ch1 p12 Juste un mot, sublime bravo à l'auteur! *^*
Marie-j 3 Marie-j 3 8Feb ch3 p8 Une adulte ?
Marie-j 3 Marie-j 3 8Feb ch2 p17 Il n'existe pas ?
Marie-j 3 Marie-j 3 8Feb ch1 p12 C'est joli
JennyMiki JennyMiki 23Mar ch1 p11 Belle page :)
Johny Johny 14Mar ch1 p12 Belle Page je dirais même que cette page en couleur est Magnifique
kirly drama kirly drama 28May ch1 p11 Mais!...c'est yeux se colore dans la deuxième case!*.*
Bellatrice Bellatrice 26Jan ch2 p6 Des zombis haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! \o\
Bellatrice Bellatrice 26Jan ch2 p5 Je lis de gauche à droite depuis le début. x( Très joli, un peu trop style manga quand même.
ComicCom ComicCom 13Jan ch2 p6 Uff q miedo....,

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