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Haven : manga cover

In a 22nd century ravaged by an atomic World War, resistance struggle against the totalitarian supremacy of the new World Empire Kingdom. But this macro-dictatorship could hide historical secrets even more important...

Cartoonist :

Helper :

Original Language : Français

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Fantasy - SF

Type : manga - Saga
(read from left to right)

415 Comments on the pages of Haven

valdé valdé 26Oct ch1 p12 It's good, and the cover looks good, but you probably should use a more colourful and appealing cover for the little picture ;) (...)
Keruo Nasumishi Keruo Nasumishi 26Oct ch1 p12 It's good, and the cover looks good, but you probably should use a more colourful and appealing cover for the little picture ;)
valdé valdé 20Oct ch1 p10 Haven... that's a cool title... hope your story does not get too mystic for me :-D thank you, I use to hesitate a very long time (...)
valdé valdé 20Oct ch1 p10 interesting thank you, hope you will follow what's coming next =)
Renji Renji 20Oct ch1 p10 Haven... that's a cool title... hope your story does not get too mystic for me :-D
Kamisama Kamisama 19Oct ch1 p10 interesting
valdé valdé 18Oct ch1 p10 Funny start :) thank you, hope you will enjoy what's comin =)
Makarov Makarov 18Oct ch1 p10 Funny start :)
valdé valdé 18Oct ch1 p8 this page is actually available in color too =)
valdé valdé 16Oct ch1 p3 no traductions for the moment sorry, waiting for my admin rights to upload the english original version :) hope you will enjoy =)

415 comments in other languages.

valdé valdé 13Dec ch2 p7 salut, merci =) l'intrigue c'est la vraie inspiration de se manga, mais la je travaille bcp le dessin et le deroulement du scenari (...)
Gorak Gorak 29Aug ch2 p7 Je viens de tout lire, le dessin est chouette, l'intrigue prometteuse, j'attends la suite ;)
valdé valdé 27Feb ch2 p6 je suis sur la prochaine pour demain et elle est plutot chiante je devais finir vite :D
Erazade Erazade 27Feb ch2 p6 Vive la facilité !
valdé valdé 25Feb ch2 p3 arretes de stalker mon facebook xD
debyoyo debyoyo 25Feb ch2 p3 Yeah, cool, que ça t'empêche pas de faire du sk8 avec tes potes et de rechercher du boulot
valdé valdé 25Feb ch2 p3 oui c'est officiel. j'etais en pause de publication mais pas d'entrainement, ca revient avec du gros la ;) je vais devoir refaire (...)
valdé valdé 25Feb ch2 p4 ahah enfin oui =) ca fait plaisir de voir que les anciens sont toujours la ;)
debyoyo debyoyo 25Feb ch2 p3 Alors c'est officiel? le retour de Haven? tu t'imposes un rythme pas?
sebynosaure sebynosaure 25Feb ch2 p4 Cool! La suite!:)
Dyshcici Dyshcici 21Oct ch1 p17 xD... bah qui sait... on sait jamais mdr.
valdé valdé 21Oct ch1 p17 parce que t'es pas un perso de manga :p
Dyshcici Dyshcici 20Oct ch1 p17 haha, si... mais je lui parle plsu respectueusement que sa ^^'
valdé valdé 20Oct ch1 p17 toi tu fais pas des bisous a ta mamie ? :O
Dyshcici Dyshcici 18Oct ch1 p17 oh un bisous a la mamie c'est mignon ^^

Message board : topics about Haven

valdé New Topic! 29Oct All comics - Haven - Haven : lots of ameliorations Hello everybody ! In order to turn my comics esayer to read and understand, I made a lot of little ameliorations on most of the p (...)
TroyB New Topic! 20Oct All comics - Haven - haven : modifications page 10 If there's any error or mistake in this post, PLEASE tell me (I'm french and i'm trying to improve my english level by don't usin (...)
valdé New Topic! 18Oct All comics - Haven - presentation >valdé >^^ it's hard to be on 2 versions of the website I can promise you that it´s even harder been in 4 diferent verions of the (...)

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