The worlds of Dragon Ball Z and Super Mario Bros. collide !
Bros Gokû, world champion and savior of the Earth, must partner with his eternal enemy Piccoshi, to fight an unprecedented threat... Vegeta and Nappa Kong!
They will be helped (or slowed down, it's up to you) by Koopa Sennin, the old perverse master, Kritoad and Yamach the unnecessary sidekicks, the beautiful and angry Beach, and finally Gokû's girl (yes) Bros Gohan!
One new page per week, in color if you are Premium
A parody of Dragon Ball, something we've been wanting to do for a long time !
But doing it in the Nintendo world is a big plus !
Cartoonist : Berrizo
Scenarist : Salagir
Colorist : Drawly, Niiii' Link, Gokuten, MelodyYukai and Robot Panda
Original Language : Français
Updated on : On hold
Genre : Action
Type : manga - Saga
(read from left to right)
Number of readers per day
Released pages English: 520
Released pages Français: 520
Number of readers: 2559952
Average of readers per day: 3386
Number of comments: 13409
13409 Comments on the pages of Super Dragon Bros Z