Author : Gogéta Jr, Salagir, TroyB
Team : fikiri, Tomoko, Adamantine, Drawly, Robot Panda
Translation by : tze
Original Language: Français
Releasing pace: Sunday
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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A new week full of action
TroyB 03/07/2011 15:59:15You're just beginning to see what she's capable of héhé
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To make it simple, my power helps me to "feel things."
DanB 05/19/2011 12:02:16Like the fact that there are still four of them, and my charger is empty.
more than ability to feel things
forbes 10/13/2012 22:14:53That was Clean
swagga2003 10/14/2012 22:09:19I enjoyed the first person perspective =]
Madkarly 11/12/2012 22:03:00