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Eternal Linker 永久の連動者

Eternal Linker 永久の連動者 : manga cover

A man in the body of a monster, and a monster in a man's body ... The tale of a young boy and a man of unusual talents!

Cartoonist :

Helper :

Original Language : 日本語

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Action

Type : manga
(read from right to left)

240 Comments on the pages of Eternal Linker 永久の連動者

HamKitty15 HamKitty15 25Sep ch1 p18 lmao! =D
HamKitty15 HamKitty15 25Sep ch1 p1 Mmhmm!
Omou Omou 19Sep ch1 p64 hope not end
Omou Omou 19Sep ch1 p13 dont jugde
reven44 reven44 28Oct ch1 p1 looks fun
Drominicus Drominicus 19May ch1 p27 yeah i know
LadyAthena LadyAthena 1May ch1 p18 Good. :)
Phenix Iulian Phenix Iulian 21Feb ch1 p66 A beautifull manga. An original story, and also a good story. Please update as soon as posible because it's a good manga and wou (...)
WingedGuardian WingedGuardian 12Dec ch1 p66 Favorite story I've read on here!
Black butler Black butler 8Oct ch1 p66 yeah both of you are right can't wait :b
Black butler Black butler 8Oct ch1 p53 Yep:)
Black butler Black butler 8Oct ch1 p38 AEWSOME!!! THIS IS COOL SIXEL IS COOL:D
Black butler Black butler 8Oct ch1 p26 poor kid that's just worng:(
Black butler Black butler 8Oct ch1 p14 I know right :D
chibiartkinz chibiartkinz 16Feb ch1 p14 daaaammnnnnnnnn

240 comments in other languages.

cooler23 cooler23 3Jan ch1 p1 Un lobo?
Erazia Fire Erazia Fire 3Jun ch1 p59 Les dessins sont magnifiques !
Erazia Fire Erazia Fire 3Jun ch1 p6 Super la rentrer en "mode sinistre" !;)
Lexa_2208 Lexa_2208 23Apr ch1 p41 excellent
Lexa_2208 Lexa_2208 23Apr ch1 p38 j'aime
Lexa_2208 Lexa_2208 23Apr ch1 p37 j'adore
Lexa_2208 Lexa_2208 23Apr ch1 p33 belle page
Lexa_2208 Lexa_2208 23Apr ch1 p30 il y a bcp d'action j'adore
Lexa_2208 Lexa_2208 23Apr ch1 p28 super manga
Lexa_2208 Lexa_2208 23Apr ch1 p27 oui!
Lexa_2208 Lexa_2208 23Apr ch1 p26 c pas gentil
Lexa_2208 Lexa_2208 23Apr ch1 p24 super
Lexa_2208 Lexa_2208 23Apr ch1 p23 superbe
Lexa_2208 Lexa_2208 23Apr ch1 p19 j'aime beaucoup
Lexa_2208 Lexa_2208 23Apr ch1 p18 très bon manga

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