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Borders of the Black Hole

Borders of the Black Hole : manga cover

Can anybody stop these terrorists? Maybe someone can... maybe Nuada and its soo funky style !

Cartoonist :

Scenarist :

Translator :

Colorist :

Original Language : Français

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Fantasy - SF

Type : manga
(read from right to left)

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753 Comments on the pages of Borders of the Black Hole

TroyB TroyB 22Dec ch3 p1 Great first person look! :) I've replaced all the balloons, put the nice new font and increased the size of the text... please r (...)
TroyB TroyB 10Nov ch3 p1 Great first person look! :) I've replaced all the balloons, put the nice new font and increased the size of the text... please r (...)
TroyB TroyB 25Oct ch2 p17 OMG, that is soo cool!!! Am i really the first one to comment this page?! Oo That's insane :D That´s because is an old page an (...)
Drawly Drawly 25Oct ch2 p17 Haha, well I'm pretty sure it wasn't always old, but I know what you mean xD
johandark johandark 24Oct ch2 p17 OMG, that is soo cool!!! Am i really the first one to comment this page?! Oo That's insane :D That´s because is an old page an (...)
Drawly Drawly 24Oct ch2 p17 OMG, that is soo cool!!! Am i really the first one to comment this page?! Oo That's insane :D
Mart Mart 15Oct ch3 p1 Great first person look! :)
abby19 abby19 15Oct ch2 p11 I'm sorry, but a part of the French text stay in the balloon. So, this is the translation : In my huge leniency, I let you the (...)
Naruto Naruto 15Oct ch2 p1 It gives a "assassin creed" feeling it's cool :)
NatsuDragneel NatsuDragneel 14Oct ch2 p1 Cool it should have started with this cover :) !!!!
abby19 abby19 14Oct ch2 p2 Cool thanks for the translations Abby19, I've been waiting for them for a loooong time :) You're welcome! =) I hope my translati (...)
EdwardElric EdwardElric 14Oct ch2 p1 wow this cover Kicks Asses !!!
DRAGONBALLZ DRAGONBALLZ 14Oct ch2 p1 Amazing colours !!!
McLeod McLeod 13Oct ch2 p2 Cool thanks for the translations Abby19, I've been waiting for them for a loooong time :)
Sool Sool 2Sep ch1 p11 Berbatov?!?! This is so funny i can't even lough Hihi more soccer fans in the place :)

753 comments in other languages.

Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch4 p14 Nouveau perso, nouveau perso !!!! Youhouuuuuuuu :D
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch4 p12 La grosse classe :)
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch4 p10 Je suis d'accord, je ne comprends pas comment il passe de la case 2 à 3.
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch4 p9 Ah ah il a donc des pouvoirs aussi :) J'adoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch4 p8 Il lui tiens bien tête quand même chapeau :)
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch4 p7 C'est sublime.
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch4 p6 Ah ouais carrément. Il est trop puissant :) Par contre qui est ce type !?
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch4 p4 Il est ultra balèze. Il va y avoir du sport là :)
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch4 p3 Mdr "pour voir mes seins sautiller" j'adore.
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch4 p2 Trigun avec une pointe de Ryo Saeba :)
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch3 p26 Sont-ce des éclaires qui sortent de son bras ?
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch3 p25 Pour moi aussi :(
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch3 p23 Cette façon de faire les flash-back est terrible j'adore.
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch3 p22 Bla bla bla !! Schlack !!
Korijy Korijy 17Dec ch3 p21 C'est sublime.

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