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Tokio Libido

Tokio Libido : manga cover

Kevin, a young comic artist, is living at his brother's place while waiting for the big success in the world of comics. Living between dream and fantasy, Kevin is trying to finish his hentai project for the Japan Expo Paris...

Cartoonist :

Scenarist :

Translator : and

Colorist :

Helper :

Original Language : Français

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Sexy - XXX

Type : manga - One-Shot
(read from left to right)


Before reading this manga be aware that it could shock you. It contains :

  • Pornography

eBook shop Buy, download, collect the eBook version

Ebooks Tokio Libido available from 0.5
Tokio Libido Fantasme 1 : Volume 1
Volume 1
Tokio Libido Fantasme 1

Format : PDF
Pages : 32
Weight : 91.3MB
Price : 0.5€

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533 Comments on the pages of Tokio Libido

jiwas jiwas 18Oct ch1 p1 Links are allowed in comments only for Team Members!
riyaescorts riyaescorts 8Sep ch1 p25 We provide body massage in Jaipur to give nicely spa and body massage solution. We offer our services mostly in three cities- Jaip (...)
shikha19 shikha19 23Apr ch1 p1 Seuls les membres de l'équipe peuvent poster des liens ! Seuls les membres de l'équipe peuvent poster des liens ! Seuls les me (...)
nanayuki nanayuki 8Dec ch1 p23 and me who beleived the who thing:( :(
nanayuki nanayuki 8Dec ch1 p13 yeah she looked shy:) ;)
Me! Me! 6Apr ch1 p1 Yo mans, send me more on the reply (hentai,nudes...)
RyZe RyZe 21Dec ch1 p10 Yeag :)
roleeeeee roleeeeee 10Oct ch1 p1 :D
Kartik Kartik 1Jun ch1 p10 This is a good comic to read but you should start it with more effectives like tell about your charters like there names and how t (...)
Tey Tey 12Aug ch1 p23 Lol:D
RinataMichaelis RinataMichaelis 8Nov ch1 p23 Plot Twist, Anyone~?
Wildozo Le Kado Wildozo Le Kado 23Jan ch1 p1 MMhhhhh I Loved it :D
Wet wet Wet wet 26Mar ch1 p23 Lmao
GBROTTJR GBROTTJR 6Mar ch1 p4 very nice wish there were more illegal porn links
102481wolfie 102481wolfie 17Feb ch1 p23 right

533 comments in other languages.

riyaescorts riyaescorts 8Sep ch1 p25 We provide body massage in Jaipur to give nicely spa and body massage solution. We offer our services mostly in three cities- Jaip (...)
amilova1 amilova1 8Aug ch2 p1 Ça fait 7 ans... Pas de suite ??
LeoXys LeoXys 8Sep ch1 p12 :!:
fandemangadu33 fandemangadu33 23Jun ch1 p31 Où ça ? (sort son death note)
Evionna Evionna 23Jun ch1 p32 Excellent le slip Mokkori mdr
Evionna Evionna 23Jun ch1 p31 Sasuke ? ????
Baldazark Baldazark 7Jun ch1 p30 Leurs *ites! Mouwahahah ! Aucun sens de la mesure XD (+_+)
Baldazark Baldazark 7Jun ch1 p14 Mouwahahah ! Bienvenue dans le club ! '-'
Baldazark Baldazark 7Jun ch1 p5 Le p'tit frère de son p'tit frè parle de sa bite, là ? *~*
Vikisita Vikisita 30Apr ch1 p23 Lo que pasa en pasa mente de un hombre Ja Ja
Joshua789 Joshua789 5Mar ch1 p15 Tres bonne branlette mdr:D
Ange Chapl\'n Ehile Ange Chapl\'n Ehile 15Oct ch1 p31 Ouah tes vraiment imaginatif
fudo hamamora fudo hamamora 6Oct ch1 p9 c'est super hot ton truc!!!!!
Cashbull09 Cashbull09 11Feb ch1 p24 Retour à la réalité !
Cashbull09 Cashbull09 11Feb ch1 p20 RIP!

Message board : topics about Tokio Libido

TroyB New Topic! 29May All comics - Tokio Libido - Tokio Libido: The Animation? Have to ask the authors what they think about that :). I think they'll be hyper happy to see it one day adapted :). Troy

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