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Doodling Around

Doodling Around : comic cover

Everybody has a group of friends to hang out with. Also, everybody has a dream who wants to become true some day. Having both mixed is even better. Follow the crazy situations of the twins Angélica and Rina and their group of friends.

Hope ya like!

Cartoonist :

Translator : , and

Original Language : English

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Humor

Type : Comics
(read from left to right)

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Doodling Around : Volume 1
Volume 1
Doodling Around

Format : PDF
Pages : 45
Weight : 39.1MB
Price : 1€

1544 Comments on the pages of Doodling Around

SkillDraw SkillDraw 30Mar ch5 p53 I suppose not...
SkillDraw SkillDraw 30Mar ch5 p52 She's like that :) Yeah, we're back :P
Ouroboros Ouroboros 26Feb ch5 p53 i am taking the Beserk manga isn't her thing.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 17Jan ch5 p52 It's good to see that flirty side of her again
EmoTrash EmoTrash 24Nov ch5 p46 I LOVE THIS SERIES OF COMICS!!!!!!!!!! IT'S TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Bellatrice Bellatrice 6Aug ch5 p45 Oh, come on!!! Kiss you each other! Please! This kind of situation is so sad. :(
SkillDraw SkillDraw 26Apr ch5 p39 Oh, you're right. It's fixed now. Thanks!
Ouroboros Ouroboros 25Apr ch5 p39 You switched the language on this i am afraid.
SkillDraw SkillDraw 30Mar ch5 p35 Well, certainly ^ ^
Ouroboros Ouroboros 28Mar ch5 p35 just being yourself atleast it is somthing this guy doesn't need to learn.
Ouroboros Ouroboros 30Nov ch5 p19 How sweet ^^
SkillDraw SkillDraw 8Jun ch1 p22 We're happy you like it! ^ ^
melodykitten15 melodykitten15 29May ch1 p22 I love this comic!!!!!!!:) :D ;)
TroyB TroyB 13Apr ch4 p29 :D :D :D :D
Ouroboros Ouroboros 9Mar ch4 p27 stars not start as in there is a safari dude in it. And as you din't read the reply i will repeat the answer again. the chao (...)

1544 comments in other languages.

SkillDraw SkillDraw 4Mar ch5 p66 Vamos a regresar a actualizarlo en breve :)
mss mss 19Feb ch5 p66 no creo que sigan actualizando el comic, no?
Louane12345 Louane12345 17Apr ch1 p1 j'adore ce livre mais il faudrait qu'il y est de nouvelle page
Louane12345 Louane12345 25Sep ch1 p1 se livre est trop bien j'ai atte que d'autre page sortent
GABEXRPO GABEXRPO 14Sep ch5 p64 Ummm notaron que esta parte no esta traducida porfa traduscanla si
SkillDraw SkillDraw 31Dec ch2 p24 ¡Muchas gracias! ^ ^
SkillDraw SkillDraw 31Dec ch1 p1 Gracias :)
Fortsky73_YT Fortsky73_YT 1May ch5 p54 me gusta el comic nwn
Fortsky73_YT Fortsky73_YT 26Apr ch2 p24 Lo pongo en mis favoritos >:3
Fortsky73_YT Fortsky73_YT 26Apr ch2 p24 Me gusta este comic Es muy gracioso :3
Fortsky73_YT Fortsky73_YT 22Apr ch1 p1 mmmMMM Interezante .-_.-
Dante234 Dante234 26Jun ch5 p30 xDDDDD
Dante234 Dante234 26Jun ch5 p13 jajajaja xD
Dante234 Dante234 26Jun ch5 p4 me encanta el póster de gorillaz en la pared de atrás
debyoyo debyoyo 22Apr ch5 p54 Merci pour ces dernières pages traduites et je suis super content que la BD reprenne, Bon retour

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