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Run 8

Run 8 : manga cover

In a world were hate is a benediction, Sklan and his friend Topazio will begin race against madness.

Mimi is the illustrator of the manga Run8. Furo is the author-screenwriter Run8.

Cartoonist :

Scenarist :

Translator : , and

Helper :

Original Language : Français

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Action

Type : manga - Saga
(read from left to right)


Before reading this manga be aware that it could shock you. It contains :

  • Violence

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5883 Comments on the pages of Run 8

studio.takoyaki studio.takoyaki 16Jun ch1 p1 Thank you so much, but we currently aren't able to manage our comics due to a lake of money. So we are looking for jobs etc... But (...)
Throneofsouls Throneofsouls 16Jun ch1 p1 You know so far I really like this story though I wonder when I can buy this- online? I mean once the story is completely fini (...)
SkyGreen SkyGreen 26Oct ch1 p1 Cool cover
knight slayer knight slayer 20Aug ch3 p22 done like dinner
studio.takoyaki studio.takoyaki 5Jul ch9 p17 Look closer! It's the stargate !
Re-al Boss Re-al Boss 31Aug ch4 p13 u had better put lots of action in that fight i wanna feel the sweat that fight just by looking at it :D
Re-al Boss Re-al Boss 31Aug ch4 p7 holy shit that's fucked up man
Re-al Boss Re-al Boss 31Aug ch3 p32 makeing*
Re-al Boss Re-al Boss 31Aug ch3 p32 dont u dare stop make comics
Re-al Boss Re-al Boss 31Aug ch3 p17 u know what, i'm pissed off they'er all bitches just some cheaters and the others are just plain stupid, thumbs up for the writer (...)
Re-al Boss Re-al Boss 31Aug ch3 p13 i got a feeling this isn't gonna end well
Re-al Boss Re-al Boss 31Aug ch2 p30 wow wait ho ho ho hold the fuck up who's the real girlfriend and who's the cheat i got lost
Re-al Boss Re-al Boss 31Aug ch2 p25 if only it where that easy they'd be fucked already DUH
Re-al Boss Re-al Boss 31Aug ch2 p24 the badass is here (put's on sunglasses)deal with it
Re-al Boss Re-al Boss 31Aug ch2 p18 u sir should take my likes

5883 comments in other languages.

cooler23 cooler23 26Jul ch1 p1 la portada se mira genial
cooler23 cooler23 26Jul ch12 p11 fue una gran historia
chima chima 11May ch2 p7 alex sam clover!! c'est les totaly spies <3
Brüth Brüth 17Jun ch1 p8 Un dessin bien dynamique, des bonnes postures et des personnages disproportionnés fort sympathiques.
mykilow mykilow 11Apr ch12 p16 Toutes ces mise à jour, c'est beau. Ca y est, vous reprenez le rhytme? Aura-t-on des nouvelles pages, la suite?
Luxiuss Luxiuss 4Jul ch4 p7 Gore
Luxiuss Luxiuss 4Jul ch1 p12 La terreur noir devient l'ange blanc
Luxiuss Luxiuss 4Jul ch1 p10 UNE MAIN EST SORTIE DE SON TORSE !!!!!!!!!!!
Luxiuss Luxiuss 4Jul ch1 p9 Son visage se fissure?!
Luxiuss Luxiuss 4Jul ch1 p3 Trop dément!
marilaure marilaure 23Jun ch1 p10 hahahah botte lui les fesses; J'aime bien
Feuillou Feuillou 12Apr ch2 p5 PTDR Sam Alex et Clover le clin d'oeil au totally spies
Chajiro Chajiro 27Dec ch1 p1 Viejo que también llegue a America.
Oriudolce Oriudolce 3Nov ch1 p4 Ce décor est cool ! Bien fait !
Volcano Volcano 6Aug ch13 p5 Et voilà qu'une année supplémentaire, ou peu s'en faut, est passée...

Message board : topics about Run 8

McLeod New Topic! 9Jan All comics - Run 8 - Run 8 ebook excellent, i have it, thanks !!!
studio.takoyaki New Topic! 9Jun All comics - Run 8 - Bloody Aki color Run 8 We would thanks Bloody Aki the author of Apple strengh because she agreed with pleausure to color Our illustrations. So here is h (...)
studio.takoyaki New Topic! 14Dec All comics - Run 8 - Run 8 withdraw from the competition héhéhéhé. Surprise.
DrugOn New Topic! 9Nov All comics - Run 8 - Run 8 volume 2 is coming on Amilova Yay! Nice to see there's more and more of Run 8! I didn't read to the end the first part (I started the 4 chapter) yet, but I'm ca (...)
studio.takoyaki New Topic! 26Sep All comics - Run 8 - Run 8 comic is coming in new english version. Mimi: HI! 8 new pages have been uploaded in English: a new character appears. And for you men, a sexy scene link of the page (...)
TroyB New Topic! 24Sep All comics - Run 8 - English version of run 8 is in late. Not for so long ! Hey everybody. Just a little annoncement to tell you that the 8th October, Run 8 will catch up its late. Means you'll be at the s (...)

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