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Two Men and a Camel

Two Men and a Camel : manga cover

We're in a bizarre world. Two men are in a strange situation, luck doesn't assist 'em... but at least they aren't short on weapons! What lead them in a desert ? Let yourself be carried by the spumescent adventure of "Two men and a camel"!
Don't take this work that serious, it's just for you guys to have fun (I hope it's like that xD ), you'll notice several changes in the concept and art proceeding ahead with pages (except from page 01 untill 08 because it was remade)... this is because long time passed between pages. Happy reading!

Cartoonist :

Scenarist :

Original Language : Italiano

Updated on : On hold

Genre : Action

Type : manga - Saga
(read from left to right)

75 Comments on the pages of Two Men and a Camel

Angy89 Angy89 13Jan ch1 p1 :D thanks
McLeod McLeod 9Jan ch1 p1 Hey nice fumetto I wonder why I didn't read it before ;)
Angy89 Angy89 8Jan ch1 p1 Grazie mille :D!
pandakon pandakon 6Jan ch1 p1 bellissimo fumetto davvero uno dei pochi in italiano , divertente originale poi il cammello e troppo figo
Angy89 Angy89 1Mar ch1 p17 excellent color cover :) Thanks ^_^
Angy89 Angy89 1Mar ch2 p14 oh so that's the illustration in background... cool :) yeah xD thx!
Hatsuhiko Hatsuhiko 30Jan ch1 p17 more color illustration please they're too cool :)
Shihomi Shihomi 30Jan ch2 p14 oh so that's the illustration in background... cool :)
Denji Denji 29Jan ch1 p17 I like this comic, very fresh and cool :)
Kaneo Kaneo 29Jan ch2 p14 very very cool
Gosho Gosho 28Jan ch1 p17 excellent color cover :)
NatsuDragneel NatsuDragneel 28Jan ch2 p14 waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :)
babee babee 25Jan ch2 p14 It´s realy nice!! XD
Angy89 Angy89 23Jan ch1 p3 Very nice your comic!! I like it! DD wow ^^ Thanks again
Angy89 Angy89 23Jan ch1 p10 It´s a shame the work don´t have colour every time, I know is too long put the colour... take so much time...:(... but it´s good i (...)

75 comments in other languages.

alastair alastair 1May ch7 p14 En fait la suite n'est tout simplement pas disponible en version française.
alastair alastair 20Apr ch7 p14 J'espère que ce manga ne s'est pas définitivement arrêté, je veux voir la suite de ce combat.
alastair alastair 20Apr ch1 p5 J'en profite pour venir commenter, ce manga est vraiment pas mal, j'aime son ton décalé.
alastair alastair 14Apr ch7 p14 Bon boulot de traduction ;)
Miss_Call Miss_Call 23Mar ch2 p5 JAck le chameau XD
NatsuKan NatsuKan 5Oct ch1 p5 excellent ! XD
Eme Eme 22Sep ch6 p5 je c'est pas pourquoi mais le marteau neko me fait penser a NYAN CAT !!!
Eme Eme 11Jul ch1 p8 il y a une faut a "aler" il faut 2 l
Angy89 Angy89 10Jun ch5 p15 mais je sais que c'était comme les pantalons u,u , thanks :D
Angy89 Angy89 10Jun ch5 p5 yeah :)
Angy89 Angy89 10Jun ch6 p5 :D
Bellatrice Bellatrice 17May ch6 p5 C'est complétement délirant. X3
Bellatrice Bellatrice 30Mar ch6 p13 Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirk ! La lumaca è mostruosa ! >o< Il designo è molto bene, può essere stampato su carta come un manga. La stori (...)
Bellatrice Bellatrice 27Mar ch6 p4 Haha la case 4 est marrante. :D Sauvé par le neko ! \o/
Bellatrice Bellatrice 27Mar ch6 p1 Ouh ça fait mal. :S

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