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TroyB 41

Hard to understand why his eyes are all baggy and dark all of a sudden ! We'll see if it's on purpose !

TroyB 05/03/2011 10:34:20   
johandark 34

yes it´s on purpose... for something that i did not explain, but for something that the protagonist doesn´t understand too... So it will be seen later (like the magic sword from his arm.. jejeje). (think about that all these pages are without text.. is like a big introduction that should be read really quickly. And after the storm arrive the calm where I can explain everything... or not... jeje

johandark 05/03/2011 11:04:34   
TroyB 41

johandark said:yes it´s on purpose... for something that i did not explain, but for something that the protagonist doesn´t understand too... So it will be seen later (like the magic sword from his arm.. jejeje). (think about that all these pages are without text.. is like a big introduction that should be read really quickly. And after the storm arrive the calm where I can explain everything... or not... jeje

OK can't wait for the explanations then !

TroyB 05/04/2011 08:14:15   
Ki11er 1

Thanks for the dashing and unstopable action man, really like Your style.

Ki11er 07/01/2011 21:01:05   
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Dark Heroes_2010

Dark Heroes_2010: cover




Author :

Team : ,

Original Language: Español

Type : Comics

Genre : Fantasy - SF

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