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TsukiC 2

I've only read the first page and I'm already keen on this comic !

On the other hand, the swear words are not easy to translate...But I will do my best !

TsukiC 03/14/2012 20:46:31   
TroyB 41

TsukiC said:Ha ha ha ! J'ai lu que la première page et j'aime déjà !

Par contre, avec la liste des insultes et jurons, c'est pas évident à traduire...M'enfin, je ferai de mon mieux

Thanks TsukiC . Don't forget you're on an english page and thus comments have to be in english .
Merci TsukiC de ton commentaire mais n'oublie pas que sur les pages en anglais les commentaires sont en anglais... si on est pas strict sur ça dans 4jours il y a des commentaires français de partout .

Good luck for the french translation, I can't wait to read it .

TroyB 03/15/2012 08:12:35   
TsukiC 2

Oops ! Sorry ! I didn't get the comments in English and those in French were seperated. I will change my first message and be more careful from now.

TsukiC 03/15/2012 21:58:35   
forbes 10

waiting for erotica, but it is humorous.

forbes 10/17/2012 22:50:02   
Death-carioca 30

Yes, from all what I have read on this comic, it's probably full of randomness, but also a lot of awesomeness.

Death-carioca 03/19/2014 18:19:50   

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