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Fuck You!

Fuck You! : manga cover

A short, blunt anti-love story.

Cartoonist :

Original Language : English

Updated on : Finished

Genre : Thriller

Type : manga - One-Shot
(read from left to right)

118 Comments on the pages of Fuck You!

shubham1111 shubham1111 26Sep ch1 p9 revenge from your ex be like ... :D :D :D :D
Gothic Angel Gothic Angel 17Dec ch1 p7 So Awesome and Romantic at the same time!
Throneofsouls Throneofsouls 28Mar ch1 p2 I believe she & the guy were once a couple,then broke-up at some point which both,( especially the woman)didn't take well. So it d (...)
Death-carioca Death-carioca 22Mar ch1 p9 So sad, I wanted A LOT more.
Death-carioca Death-carioca 22Mar ch1 p7 Literally, the title.
Death-carioca Death-carioca 22Mar ch1 p6 I guess my only problema with this comic is that...those eyes from the boy are just too strange, too psychotic, too open.
Death-carioca Death-carioca 22Mar ch1 p5 Somehow, this reminds me of Tim Burton stuff.
Death-carioca Death-carioca 22Mar ch1 p4 So stylistic! I love it!
Death-carioca Death-carioca 22Mar ch1 p2 So, is she like, hunting his boyfriend or something?
Death-carioca Death-carioca 22Mar ch1 p1 This beginning is certainly awesome.
Throneofsouls Throneofsouls 20Mar ch1 p2 Creepy being with hellish pupils hovering over head...good way to kick off a comic. The shading and perspective is pretty good (...)
animlva567 animlva567 27Dec ch1 p7 the guy reminds me of Masky from Creepypasta
munstah munstah 2Aug ch1 p9 O-M-G! The story barelly started and I'm already craving for more! Really nice:)
munstah munstah 2Aug ch1 p6 Just have to say that I love the draws. They are very welldone, at least up to now, and the girl is soooo japanese horror! great!
Demon_Okurami Demon_Okurami 10Jul ch1 p9 It's really good! I love the first page, congratulations!!!;)

118 comments in other languages.

Nadya Kaur Nadya Kaur 6Feb ch1 p1 I am looking for some good blog sites for studying. I was searching over search engines and found your blog site. Well i like yo (...)
Cypher Cypher 17Feb ch1 p4 c'est sublime depuis le début ! des contrastes nets noir/blanc comme j'aime.
Cypher Cypher 17Feb ch1 p7 instant émotion et juste après mdr avec le coup de pied ! sacré retournement de situation.
Domm Domm 24Dec ch1 p7 hoooooooooooooo
Bassworld Bassworld 6Jun ch1 p9 Superbe One Shot j'ai vraiment aimé :D Si seulement une rupture serais aussi classe et épic que sa...malheureusement sa passe rar (...)
moon3002013 moon3002013 26May ch1 p8 "bon débara u_u"
moon3002013 moon3002013 26May ch1 p7 XD dans le genre "voyons voir la marchandise ... et pis finalement elle a voulu me tuer et je suis rancunier !!!"
junkai junkai 23Nov ch1 p7 "Flirter avec la mort ? 8D mais je fait ça tous les jours !" XDD pardon ça m'a fait penser à ça x')
junkai junkai 23Nov ch1 p9 XDDDD c'est vraiment très beau ! (dans tous les sens du terme ! )
-Vinz- -Vinz- 5Sep ch1 p9 One shot très sympa. Bravo pour les dessins.
Creeperator Creeperator 31Aug ch1 p9 Muy buena calidad, me a sorprendido lo corto que es pero para ser tan corto me a gustado
zeelka zeelka 10Aug ch1 p7 lol
Senexspiritus Senexspiritus 31Jul ch1 p9 ¿No hay más paginas? ¿Lo van a continuar, cierto? Esta genial :)
Tchouda Tchouda 4Jul ch1 p9 pareil j'ai vraiment aimé ! a quand la suite

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