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joejunker 1

Mineshaft, always smart !

joejunker 05/26/2011 11:20:06   
Leorio 1

Ahaahahaha Megane flooding !

Leorio 05/26/2011 13:47:27   
Guts 1

rofl excellent !

Guts 05/26/2011 15:53:00   
Sandy 1

looooool GG !

Sandy 05/26/2011 17:54:32   
Ouroboros 28

Mineshaft seems to have a few levels of ranger under his belt, pre 3.5ed or else he had a pet ^^

hmm i wonder are they walking in circles?

Ouroboros 05/26/2011 21:24:15   
Diogenes Mota 8

Ouroboros said:Mineshaft seems to have a few levels of ranger under his belt, pre 3.5ed or else he had a pet ^^

hmm i wonder are they walking in circles?


Diogenes Mota 06/28/2011 17:40:38   
Naruto 1

When is she using cool magic ?

Naruto 05/27/2011 01:07:38   
Diogenes Mota 8

Naruto said:When is she using cool magic ?

When she earns a few more levels, I hope. How to translate it in time depends on Salagir.

Diogenes Mota 06/28/2011 17:41:31   
Cole 2

Mineshaft is easily my favorite char in this story so far haha.

Cole 05/29/2011 11:51:27   
Diogenes Mota 8

Cole said:Mineshaft is easily my favorite char in this story so far haha.

He is smart and wise.

Diogenes Mota 06/28/2011 17:42:11   
Diogenes Mota 8

At first, it looks like he treats Megane. I liked it.

Diogenes Mota 06/28/2011 17:43:06   
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